
How do INTJs pursue?

How do INTJs pursue?

INTJs are often more direct people and so most of the time they avoid being too subtle. They often make their intentions clear with someone, and will express their interest. Loyalty and honesty are the most important qualities the INTJ searches for when they are ready to commit to someone.

How does INTJ choose partner?

INTJs are very deep, thoughtful individuals and they look for the same in a partner. They want someone that they can discuss possibilities, theories, and meanings with. They enjoy someone who is imaginative and passionate. INTJs are very honest and direct, and they want a partner who is showing them their true self.

Do INTJ males have a hard time in relationships?

INTJ males also carry this hunger for growth into their relationships, wanting to constantly be improving things. If an INTJ feels like they are stuck in a stagnant relationship, they will certainly not want things to progress. They will often analyze the situation before getting too deep into a relationship with someone.

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Who is the best partner for an INTJ?

According to theory, the ENFP or the ENTP probably form the best partnership with the INTJs. They both prefer Intuition (N), which makes communication more straightforward and less chance for misunderstanding. The gregarious and spontaneous ENFPs or ENTPs are a great match for the introverted and planned INTJs.

How do intjs act when their partner is sad?

When their partner gets sad or depressed, their first response might be to point out the solution helpfully. However, most of the time, their partners need emotional support, not a solution. If the INTJ is not sensitive to this, they might leave their partners feeling unheard or unloved.

What are intjs like to talk to?

INTJs live in their heads and so have many opinions and thoughts. When you meet an INTJ, be prepared to engage them in an intellectual discussion – they love an intellectual sparring partner who can match them in a friendly discussion. INTJs are not good with tact.