Tips and tricks

How do I target NRI customers on Facebook?

How do I target NRI customers on Facebook?

Behaviours > Ex-pats > Choose country you want to target. Behaviours > Ex-pats > Choose country you want to target. Last but not the least, you can target NRI by your local languages.

How do I target worldwide on Facebook ads?

When creating ad sets, go to the location targeting field and choose one of the following:

  1. Worldwide — deliver your ad globally.
  2. Region — select an area such as Europe.
  3. Free trade area — choose trade areas such as NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement), etc.

How do I target demographics on Facebook ads?

Facebook audiences refer to the pools of people you target when you advertise on Facebook. You can create or edit these audiences through the Audiences section of your Ads Manager. To get there, go to your Ads Manager, click the nine-dot icon in the top-left corner, and then select Audiences.

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How do I exclude expats from Facebook ads?

Used to be able to do it, but Facebook removed that option. You can only include expats….You can follow the steps:

  1. Go to your desired campaign.
  2. Navigate to the ad set level of the campaign.
  3. Under Audience, click on the ‘exclude’ button that appears below ‘Custom Audiences.
  4. Now you can exclude based on your requirements.

How do I target American Indian on Facebook?

You’ll need to match your product/service interests with the Indian bit. For example, local restaurants or places or areas overrun with Indians can be good targeting options. Instead of thinking ‘Indian’, think ‘Indian in the US’.

How do I target cities on Facebook ads?

To create an ad targeting people in cities:

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Create an ad using any objective.
  3. In targeting, within Audience, use the Locations box to type in a target country (for example, ‘Germany’) or region (for example, Asia).
  4. Hover over the country name and click to open the drop down menu.