
How do I stop my low porosity hair from breaking?

How do I stop my low porosity hair from breaking?

Vigorous drying with a towel can create friction and cause breakage. A smooth fiber, cotton shirt can be more soothing and may help protect your hair from damage. Minimize heat styling. You can also use heat styling appliances on a lower heat setting and use a heat protecting product on your hair.

How do you fix brittle low porosity hair?

7 Practical Ways to Moisturize Low Porosity Hair

  1. Incorporate Pre-poo in your regimen.
  2. Use heat when conditioning and deep conditioning.
  3. Use light products that penetrate easily.
  4. Steam the hair for maximum absorption.
  5. Embrace hot oil treatments.
  6. Use the ‘Greenhouse’ approach.
  7. Use water based styling products.

Does low porosity hair break easily?

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“These overlapping cuticles create a barrier preventing water and moisture from penetrating.” Additionally, low-porosity hair contains a lot of protein, making it dry and more prone to breakage, so it requires the right type of moisture.

How can I improve my low porosity hair?

How To Moisturise Low Porosity Hair

  1. Pre-poo. Make sure you pre-poo before washing your hair.
  2. Wash Your Hair Regularly. Washing your hair weekly or every 2 weeks will keep it free of product build-up and give it another opportunity to absorb some moisture.
  3. Moisturise Your Hair Mid-Week.
  4. Seal in Moisture.
  5. Cover Your Hair.

Does the LOC method work for low porosity hair?

It’s important to note that both methods are very effective, but that each method caters to the individual’s hair porosity. While the LOC method is recommended for high porosity hair, those with low porosity hair will benefit more from the LCO method.

Is low porosity hair thin?

Your thin, fine strands have difficulty retaining moisture and are also very fragile. Your fine hair may also have difficulty holding a style. With low porosity hair the cuticles are closed, making it difficult for moisture to penetrate the hair shaft.

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Is castor oil good for low porosity hair?

Because castor oil is heavy oil and way too thick to use for many low porosity hair types. Castor oil tends to dry and form a hard film on low porosity hair. This is probably a great benefit for high porosity hair honeys, but a recipe for disaster for naturals with low porosity hair.

Can low porosity hair grow long?

If you have low porosity hair, you may feel frustrated with the amount of time it takes for your hair to grow or even feel like it doesn’t grow at all. You can rest assured your hair is growing; however, there may be some things inhibiting its growth and causing it to grow slower or break off before it can grow long.

Is apple cider vinegar good for low porosity hair?

Low porosity: People with low porosity hair tend to suffer frequently from product build-up on their scalp. Apple cider vinegar can help melt build-up away, so it’s a great treatment to clarify this hair type. Use this as a final rinse or as a leave-in to really lock in hydration, tame frizz and boost shiny hair.

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Which LOC method is best for low porosity hair?

Is LCO or LOC Method Best for Low Porosity Hair? Since low porosity hair has a harder time penetrating the hair shaft since the cuticles in the hair lay flat. It is recommended to use the LCO method. With low porosity hair, our goal is moisture, always.