Tips and tricks

How do I stop hearing walking upstairs?

How do I stop hearing walking upstairs?

  1. Use White Noise. Expanding on our earlier sound lesson, every sound has a frequency.
  2. Talk to Your Neighbors. If the noise from your upstairs neighbors still bothers you, you may want to try talking to them.
  3. Use Sealant.
  4. Soundproof the Ceiling.
  5. Talk to Management.
  6. Consider Moving Out.

Can hear neighbors walking upstairs?

Instead of applying absorptive material to ceilings to hear upstairs neighbors walking less – foam panels, spray foam or insulation (where adding absorption will reduce reverberant noise (sound from the footsteps that echoes in the space), but doesn’t actually reduce the noise coming inside) TRY making friends with …

How do I retaliate noisy upstairs neighbors?

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You can get revenge on your neighbors by:

  1. Giving them a taste of their own medicine.
  2. Ignoring them.
  3. Getting a loud pet.
  4. Throwing a party.
  5. Putting jelly on their doorknob.
  6. Signing them up for junk mail.
  7. Filing a complaint with the Homeowner Association (HOA)
  8. Calling the police.

How do I Stop my upstairs neighbor from stomping in my room?

Try a white noise machine. Is the noise coming through your bedroom? You can try to drown it using a white noise machine. The machine emits soft sounds such as static rushing water or nature sounds that can go a long way towards drowning the unwanted stomping sounds from upstairs.

How do I Stop my Child from stomping on the floor?

Buy the kid a pair of the softest slippers around, and have a couple dozen stored in your apartment so you can give the kid a new pair every time you hear the stomping. The family will move out thinking you’re a pedophile.

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How do you deal with neighbors with kids in your apartment?

Doesn’t matter if it’s a child, a lot of families live in apartments with kids and all of them aren’t like that. If it continues, then go to management. Man up and be neighborly. Talk to the kids parents in a polite manner. If that doesn’t help then get management involved.

How do I deal with noisy neighbors?

Just talk to them and let them know you obviously don’t expect the kid to stop running or jumping; but maybe they could lessen the how often/long it happens. Noise goes both ways too afterall. I am sure there will be times you may want to entertain in the future and it’s better to have your neighbors on your side.