
How do I stop a topic on Quora?

How do I stop a topic on Quora?

Originally Answered: On Quora, is there any way to avoid topics? Go to the page of the specific topic you want to avoid, and next to the blue follow button on the right, you will see 3 small dots….

  1. Tap the topic. Topic page opens.
  2. Tab option (icon with 3 dots).
  3. Tab mute.

How do I turn off Quora digest?

Here’s how to stop ’em. Login at Click on “Settings” in the upper-right nav bar. On the Settings page, look for the section on the left called “Email Settings.” Expand each area by clicking on the blue “view settings” link next to it, and uncheck everything for which you don’t want to be emailed.

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How do I unfollow spaces on Quora?

Open your profile>following> topics tab and unfollow the topics you are no longer interested. Unfollow people who share a lot on the topics that you are no longer interested. Don’t view or upvote any answer which is related to the topics you don’t care.

How do I turn off Twitter topics?

Launch Twitter, hit your profile icon, and select Settings and Privacy. Then, choose Privacy and Safety in the following window and swipe down to Muted words under Safety.

How do I change the emails and notifications I get from Quora?

To toggle the emails and notifications you get from Quora, visit your Settings page, then click on ” Email & Notifications “. On this page, you’ll be able to customize the types of notifications and emails you receive from Quora, as well as the frequency in which you receive them.

How do I stop seeing content from specific users or topics?

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If you’d like to stop seeing content from specific users or about a specific topic, you can use Quora’s “mute” feature. For information about how to use this feature, see Is there a way to mute/ignore/block a topic from appearing in my feed?.

Where can I see the topics and users I’ve muted?

To see the topics and users you’ve muted, you can visit the “Blocked & Muted” section of your settings at Have more questions? Submit a request