
How do I SELECT specific data in SQL?

How do I SELECT specific data in SQL?


  1. SELECT column1, column2, FROM table_name;
  2. SELECT * FROM table_name;
  3. Example. SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers;
  4. Example. SELECT * FROM Customers;

How do I find first name and last name in SQL?

SELECT. left(NAME, charindex(‘ ‘, NAME) – 1) AS ‘FirstName’, REVERSE(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(NAME), 1, CHARINDEX(‘ ‘, REVERSE(NAME)) – 1)) AS ‘LastName’

How do I SELECT a specific row in a table in SQL?

To select rows using selection symbols for character or graphic data, use the LIKE keyword in a WHERE clause, and the underscore and percent sign as selection symbols. You can create multiple row conditions, and use the AND, OR, or IN keywords to connect the conditions.

How do you write a query to show the details of a student from students table whose name starts with K?

Query: SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Student_Name like ‘K\%’; Here ‘like’ operator is used to perform pattern matching.

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How do I get only column names in SQL?

The following query will give the table’s column names:

  2. WHERE TABLE_NAME = ‘News’

How can I get first name and last name in mysql?

SELECT Concat(Ifnull(FirstName,’ ‘) ,’ ‘, Ifnull(MiddleName,’ ‘),’ ‘, Ifnull(Lastname,’ ‘)) FROM TableName; If anyone containing null value the ‘ ‘ (space) will add with next value.

How Do You Get First Name Middle Name Last Name in SQL?

I would do this as an iterative process.

  1. Dump the table to a flat file to work with.
  2. Write a simple program to break up your Names using a space as separator where firsts token is the first name, if there are 3 token then token 2 is middle name and token 3 is last name.
  3. Eyeball the results.

What is the use of Where clause in SQL?

The SQL WHERE Clause The WHERE clause is used to filter records. It is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified condition.

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Is in query for SQL?

The SQL IN condition (sometimes called the IN operator) allows you to easily test if an expression matches any value in a list of values. It is used to help reduce the need for multiple OR conditions in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.

How do I write a sub query in MS SQL?

Subqueries in SQL Server

  1. You must enclose a subquery in parenthesis.
  2. A subquery must include a SELECT clause and a FROM clause.
  3. A subquery can include optional WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses.
  4. A subquery cannot include COMPUTE or FOR BROWSE clauses.

How to get the first name of a column in SQL?

SELECT FIRST(Column_name) AS First_Name FROM table_name; Example : Query using FIRST() Function. Consider the following table titled as ‘Stationary’, which contains the information of products. Write a query to display a first name from table ‘Stationary’.

How do you retrieve information from a SQL database?

Discussion and Summary of Basic SQL Retrieval Queries SQL has one basic statement for retrieving information from a database: the SELECT statement. The SELECT statement is not the same as the SELECT operation of relational algebra, which we discuss in Chapter 6.

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How to use SQL SELECT first() function?

The SQL first() function is used to return the first value of the selected column. Let’s see the syntax of sql select first() function: Here a point is notable that first function is only supported by MS Access. If you want to retrieve the first value of the “customer_name” column from the “customers” table, you need to write following query:

How to retrieve the first value of the CUSTOMER_NAME column in MS Access?

Here a point is notable that first function is only supported by MS Access. If you want to retrieve the first value of the “customer_name” column from the “customers” table, you need to write following query: Let us take the example of CUSTOMERS to examine SQL SELECT FIRST command: