
How do I see others solution in HackerEarth?

How do I see others solution in HackerEarth?

Can I view other’s solutions? No, you can’t. Similarly, no one can view your solution.

How do I see other submissions in HackerEarth?

To access your previous submissions, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Campaign listings page.
  2. Click My submissions.
  3. Click Drafts to view or edit your unpublished submissions. To view or edit a submission that has been published, click Published Submissions.
  4. Click Save. Notes:

How do I view a solution in HackerRank?

You must have a HackerRank for Work account….Alternatively, in the Summary tab, scroll down the page and click “View detailed report” for a particular Question.

  1. View and assess the Candidate’s answers or solutions.
  2. Assign, or modify the score for a question based on your assessment.

Can we copy paste in HackerEarth?

Disable ‘copy and paste’ and curb plagiarism HackerEarth Assessments ensures that candidate’s cannot copy code from another location and paste it into the HackerEarth IDE. It is also impossible to copy questions asked to them and share it elsewhere.

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What is novice badge on HackerEarth?

HackerEarth level badge

# Level Name Comments
1 Novice New to coding on HackerEarth
2 Amateur Beginner level coder
3 Explorer Beginner to intermediate level coder
4 Elite Someone who is breaking into advanced levels of coding

What is partially accepted in HackerEarth?

Partially accepted: Your code has passed only some of the test cases. Runtime error – SIGSEGV: Your code is reading and writing is trying to read or write beyond the memory that is allocated to it or it is trying to write memory that can only be read.

How do I submit a solution to HackerEarth?

You can compile and test your code on sample testcases by clicking on ‘Compile & Test’. You can submit your code for judge by clicking on ‘Submit’. You can refer to Judge Environment for further details. We will describe solutions for Small Factorials in different languages for successful submission.

What is abort called in HackerRank?

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Technically abort called means your program had an unhandled exception (I’m assuming you used C/C++/python, this wouldn’t happen in Java unless you broke the JRE somehow).

Does HackerEarth use camera?

Using a webcam, the HackerEarth platform takes regular snapshots of the candidate during a test. A thumbnail preview of the webcam is displayed on the bottom right of the screen to indicate that candidates are being monitored.