
How do I reference a workbook in VBA?

How do I reference a workbook in VBA?

VBA Cell References – Referencing Files and Worksheets

  1. To refer to a workbook: Workbooks(“NameOfFile. xls”).
  2. Use the specific name of the file, followed by the extension.
  3. To refer to the current workbook, the macro is located in: ThisWorkbook.
  4. To refer to the active workbook: ActiveWorkbook.

How do you assign a workbook to a variable in VBA?

Set Workbook variable

  1. ThisWorkbook. If your macro is only intended to work on the excel file that contains it, you would insert ThisWorkbook : Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook.
  2. ActiveWorkbook.
  3. Item in the Workbooks collection.
  4. Create new or open existing workbook.

How do you pass parameters in Excel VBA?

To pass an argument by reference, use the ByRef keyword before the argument to its left. Passing arguments by reference is also the default in vba, unless you explicity specify to pass an argument by value. Example 4a – Passing an argument by value in a procedure using the ByVal keyword. ‘the message returned is 5.

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How do I get a macro to run upon a workbook?


  1. Open an excel workbook.
  2. Press Alt+F11 to open VBA Editor.
  3. Insert a userform from Insert menu (UserForm1)
  4. Double click on ThisWorkbook from Project Explorer.
  5. Copy the above code and Paste in the code window.
  6. Save the file as macro enabled workbook.
  7. Open the workbook to test it, it will Run a Macro Automatically.

How do I reference a specific cell in VBA?

If the Excel VBA Range object you want to refer to is a single cell, the syntax is simply “Range(“Cell”)”. For example, if you want to make reference to a single cell, such as A1, type “Range(“A1″)”.

How do you define a workbook and a worksheet in VBA?

In VBA, each workbook has a collection of worksheets. There is an entry in this collection for each worksheet in the workbook. This collection is simply called Worksheets and is used in a very similar way to the Workbooks collection. To get access to a worksheet all you have to do is supply the name.

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How do you set an active workbook?

VBA Activate Workbook – Instructions

  1. Open an Excel Workbook.
  2. Press Alt+F11 to Open VBA Editor.
  3. Insert a Module from Insert Menu.
  4. Copy the above code for activating a range and Paste in the code window(VBA Editor)
  5. Save the file as macro enabled workbook.

How do you set an object in a workbook?

Open the Specified Workbook by Double-clicking on the Cell

  1. Double click on the ThisWorkbook object in the project explorer. Note that the ThisWorkbook object should be in the workbook where you want this functionality.
  2. Copy and paste the above code.

How do you pass parameters in VBA sub?

VBA allows you to pass variables into subroutines and functions in two ways. You can specify either ByVal or ByRef for each of the variables that are passed in. The ByVal and ByRef distinction for subroutine and function parameters is very important to make. In VBA all objects are passed by reference.

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How do you pass a range as a parameter in VBA?

To allow for a variable number of ranges to be used in the function, you need to declare a ParamArray variant array in your argument list. Then, you can process each of the ranges in the array in turn. This function could then be used in the worksheet to add multiple ranges.

How do I call a macro from another workbook?

The standard method for calling a macro contained in the same workbook are detailed below.

  1. Use the macro’s name. In this code example, only the macro’s name is required.
  2. Calling a macro. Using the Call statement is my preferred method.
  3. Run a macro.
  4. Run a macro contained in another workbook based on a variable.

How can you recover a workbook you did not save?

Open the Office application that you were using. Click the File tab. Click Recent. Scroll to the bottom of your “Recent Documents” (Office 2013 only), then click “Recover Unsaved Documents” if you are in Word, “Recover Unsaved Workbooks” if you are in Excel, or “Recover Unsaved Presentations” if you are in PowerPoint.