How do I lock a channel in discord mobile?

How do I lock a channel in discord mobile?

Tap the back button until you see the Server Settings screen. Scroll down and tap Channels. Now you’ll add the new role to the channel. Tap ⁝ to the right of the channel you want to lock.

How do I lock a discord channel to read only?

Make a Discord channel read-only

  1. Create a server or select the server you can to make read-only.
  2. Right click the server and select Server Settings.
  3. Select Roles from the slider menu.
  4. Select the small ‘+’ next to Roles in the center pane of the new window.
  5. Name your new role something suitable and save the changes.

What does a lock on a discord channel mean?

When you see a lock icon similar to this- That means it is a private voice channel that you can not connect to and is locked. There could be multiple reasons for doing so: It may require level up which can be usually received by chatting. It may require you to ask for a role from the server moderator/owner.

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Can you lock a discord?

You’ll set a lockdown from anyone joining for either 7 hours or you’ll lock it permanently until you feel like unlocking it again.

How do I lock channels on Discord Iphone?

If you closed the Discord app, tap the blue or purple icon labeled “Discord” on your home screen to open it now. Select the server. Select the channel you want to lock. The contents of the channel will now appear.

How do I lock channels on a Discord dyno?

How to set lockdown channels

  1. Head over to your dashboard and select your server.
  2. Click on Modules on the left sidebar, and select the Moderation module.
  3. Once you’re there, look for the “Lockdown Channels” option.
  4. Add the channels which you would like Dyno to lock when you run the? lockdown command, and you’re all done!

How do I make a channel read only?

To make the channel read-only, you need to disable the “Send Messages” permission. To do so, click on the “X” icon next to the “Send Messages” permission. This will prevent members from sending messages in the channel. In other words, the channel will be set to read-only.

How do I lock a discord bot to one channel?

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At the moment, the only way to restrict bots to one channel only is to manually remove the bot’s chat permissions in each channel that you don’t want it in. The more channels you have in a server, the more tedious it becomes.

How do I lock roles in Discord?

How to lock roles in a Discord server

  1. Open the Discord desktop app or web browser client and sign-in.
  2. Select the server that you want to manage from the list on the left.
  3. Right-click on the server name or icon, hover your mouse pointer to Server Settings and select Roles.
  4. Select which role to manage.

Can Dyno lock channels?

lock command, you can lock a channel so nobody can type there. You can also add an optional reason and time limit. The default time limit is in minutes, however you are able to specify other time formats by adding them after the time.

How to lock a Discord channel on Android?

If you closed the Discord app, tap the blue or purple icon labeled “Discord” on your home screen to open it now. Select the server. Select the channel you want to lock. The contents of the channel will now appear.

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How to lock/unlock roles in discord?

So, you can uninstall the permission to handle server roles for anyone on the server if you don’t want someone to edit the roles you delegate to members. Follow these steps to lock roles in Discord. Right-click the name or symbol of the server, hover the mouse pointer over Server Parameters, and then pick Positions. Choose which role to control.

How do I lock down a channel on my server?

Since you’re creating this role to lock down a channel, you may want to call it something like “lockdown” or “restricted.” Tap Done. Tap the back button. Tap Members. Now you’ll see a list of everyone on your server. Add all server members to the role. Any member you assign to this role will be unable to access the channel once it’s locked down.

How do I give permissions to everyone on a Discord server?

Click the Permissions tab. It’s the second option in the menu running along the left side of Discord. Click the @everyone role. You’ll find this under “ROLES/MEMBERS” in the “Advanced permissions” section. This displays the channel’s permissions for everyone on the server. The “everyone” group includes every single member on the server.