How do I get my AdSense account fully approved?

How do I get my AdSense account fully approved?

Here is the process for AdSense approval: Register for an AdSense account by going to AdSense.com….Google AdSense Account Approval Process- 2021

  1. Ensure your website is compatible with AdSense.
  2. Sign up for an AdSense account.
  3. Login to your AdSense account.
  4. Add the AdSense code.
  5. Wait for 1-2 weeks for final review & approval.

How do you fix your blog doesn’t currently qualify for AdSense?

You must be using subdomain on blogger , i.e . Blogspot .com and as per Adsense policy the blogger subdomain’s blog must be 6 months old and after that you’ll be able to apply and that doesn’t mean that they will approve your blog after your blog is 6 months old.

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How do I increase my AdSense earnings on Blogger?

If so, here are some tips on how to get your site in the best shape to make the most of AdSense and maximize your earnings.

  1. Create unique, valuable content.
  2. Make your site sticky.
  3. Give your visitors multiple channels back to your site.
  4. Optimize your user experience.

Can I use Blogger for AdSense?

To make money with Blogger, you can show AdSense and other ads on your pages.

How do I create an AdSense account for my Blogger blog?

Sign in to Blogger. In the top left, select a blog. From the menu on the left, click Earnings Create AdSense account . If your blog isn’t currently eligible, learn how to qualify for AdSense. Select the Google email associated with your Blogger account. Fill out AdSense form and click Create account.

Can I use Google AdSense to monetize my blog or channel?

If you use a product like Blogger or YouTube (or another AdSense host partner), you can sign up for a hosted AdSense account. Note that to be eligible, you must meet certain eligibility requirements. When your blog or channel becomes eligible for monetization via AdSense, you can set up your AdSense account and link these products.

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What is the eligibility criteria for the Blogspot AdSense?

The AdSense that is used on the Google products like Blogspot and YouTube is called hosted account. Now have a look at the eligibility criteria for the Blogspot AdSense below : The publisher must be at least 18 years old. If you are below 18, your parent can register on the AdSense.

Can I sign up for a Hosted AdSense account?

If you use Blogger, YouTube or another host partner If you use a product like Bloggeror YouTube(or another AdSense host partner), you can sign up for a hosted AdSense account. Note that to be eligible, you must meet certain eligibility requirements.