Tips and tricks

How do I get an INTJ to trust me again?

How do I get an INTJ to trust me again?

For the INTJ who experiences trust issues one of the best ways to improve this is to communicate more openly about their expectations. Letting someone clearly know what they want from them can help them gain a more confident idea of what can be accomplished between them.

How do I deal with an INTJ heartbreak?

INTJs are independent, so no need to find someone else right away. Just plan a trip, throw yourself into work, or focus on hobbies. Just make a huge effort to do the things which make you happy. Closure helps too, because it allows me to logically work through the heart break.”

What is the hardest part of a breakup for an INTJ?

For the INTJ it does depend on who ended the relationship and initiated the breakup. If they are the ones who ended things, then the hardest part has likely already occurred. The INTJ most likely took a very long amount of time analyzing the relationship and tried to figure out ways to improve and make things better.

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Why did we take a break from our relationship for 3 months?

That being said, the early years of our relationship were tough, to say the least. The problems got so bad that we decided in order to save our relationship, we needed to take a three-month break from it. Looking back, I can honestly say it was the best thing that ever happened to us. Here’s why: 1.

Is it common for INFJ and INTJ to date?

As a result, this pairing is a common one (as common as any pairing can be for such rare personality types). If you know an INFJ/INTJ couple, expect them to be together for a while—there is a good chance that wedding invitations are in the future.

Do you feel bad when your partner takes a break?

Just because your partner initiates the break does not mean that they have control over the situation. You have the option to permanently end the relationship at any time (what I eventually ended up doing), and you don’t have to feel bad for it.

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