
How do I download a password protected website?

How do I download a password protected website?

Password-protected Sites

  1. Turn on the Download Using Web Views option under the Webpage settings.
  2. Enter your site URL.
  3. Choose Open Browser in the Control menu.
  4. In the browser, enter your username and password.
  5. Navigate to the page where you want to start downloading and click the Download button.

Can you download webpages for offline viewing?

Open Google Chrome on your Android phone. Visit the webpage you want to download. Click the three-dot menu at the top right corner. Tap the Download icon to download the webpage or article.

How can I capture an entire website?

Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Chrome Web store and search for “screen capture” in the search box.
  2. Select the “Screen Capture (by Google)” extension and install it.
  3. After installation, click on the Screen Capture button on the Chrome toolbar and select Capture Whole Page or use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+Alt+H.
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Can you download a website?

Android. Save a web page on the Android app by opening the three-dot menu icon and tapping the download icon up top. A banner at the bottom of the screen will tell you when the page has been made available for offline reading.

How can I download a website offline without software?

How to Download an Entire Website for Offline Reading

  1. WebCopy. WebCopy by Cyotek takes a website URL and scans it for links, pages, and media.
  2. HTTrack. HTTrack is more known than WebCopy, and is arguably better because it’s open-source and available on platforms other than Windows.
  3. SiteSucker.
  4. Wget.

How can I download a website for free?

Website Download Tools

  1. HTTrack. This free tool enables easy downloading for offline viewing.
  2. GetLeft.
  3. Cyotek Webcopy.
  4. SiteSucker.
  5. GrabzIt.
  6. Telport Pro.
  7. FreshWebSuction.

How do I download multiple links from a website?

As indicated, you can draw a rectangle around the links you want to select. This will highlight the links in yellow. From there you can either hit Enter to open the selected links in the same window, “Shift + Enter” to open in a new window, or “Alt + Enter” to download them.

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How to download websites for offline viewing?

Cyotek WebCopy is again one of the best website downloaders. It’s a free tool for copying full or partial websites locally on your system for offline viewing. It automatically remaps the links to resources like style-sheets, images, and other pages on the website to match the local path.

Which is the best free website download tool?

1. HTTrack. This free tool enables easy downloading for offline viewing. It allows the user to download a website from the internet to their local directory, where it will build the directory of the website using the HTML, files, and images from the server onto your computer.

What is offline pages pro and how does it work?

This is when saving a website on your mobile device comes in handy. Offline Pages Pro allows you to save any website to your mobile phone so that it can be viewed while you are offline.

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How to download websites from the Internet?

Website Downloader, Website Copier or Website Ripper allows you to download websites from the Internet to your local hard drive on your own computer. Website Downloader arranges the downloaded site by the original website’s relative link-structure. The downloaded website can be browsed by opening one of the HTML pages in a browser.