
How do I discipline my 1 year old German Shepherd?

How do I discipline my 1 year old German Shepherd?

To discipline a German Shepherd, redirect unwanted behavior, such as destructive chewing, by distracting your dog and offering an interesting chew toy instead. Use positive reinforcement by rewarding good behavior with treats or toys. Don’t use physical punishment, yell, or encourage bad behavior.

Why won’t my German Shepherd listen to me?

When your dog doesn’t listen they’re letting you know they don’t’ understand you, whatever the reason. Maybe they’re not being stubborn, but need more training with better communication. German Shepherds are adept at reading body language and are more prone to listen when you have a reward at hand.

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How do I get my German Shepherd to listen to me?

Use a phrase like ‘look at me’ or ‘focus’ as soon as you have your dog’s attention. This command will later be used to get his attention at any time. Offer the treat as soon as your dog looks at you. It should be an immediate reward, not a second too late.

How do I get my German Shepherd to obey me?

The most important obedience commands for a German Shepherd are “sit,” “stay,” and “heel,” Choose whichever words work best for you (those are the ones that you will remember in a moment of stress). Sit, stay, and heel will be useful for protecting your dog during a dangerous situation.

Do German Shepherds understand commands?

Your German Shepherd will respond to many different stimuli. Your body language and tone of voice being the two most important. In time, your dog will understand certain commands such as “sit”, “stay” and “come”, “drop” etc. But, dogs only understand single direct commands. Use language your dog will understand.

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How to train a German Shepherd to be a leader?

Leadership is about using brains and NOT brawn to train your German Shepherd. Understand what your dog is not (a human), learn to speak your dog’s language, and get inside his head. Always be patient and consistent with your training and reinforcement. Aggressive methods are not effective when training your German Shepherd.

When do German Shepherds become aggressive?

The potential for a German Shepherd to become aggressive begins at a young age. It actually begins when they are just several weeks old and under the care of their mother. It is the mother’s job to socialize and encourage her puppies to behave well and interact productively with one another. This job is not an easy one.

What words should you avoid when talking to a German Shepherd?

Avoid ‘filler’ words like; ‘and’, ‘the’ and ‘on’. For example; use the word ‘kennel’ instead of ‘go to your kennel’. To level up your training skills even further, check out this post on 4 things you should do to make training your German Shepherd easy.