
How do I add a question tag to a sentence?

How do I add a question tag to a sentence?

A rule for adding question tags is that a negative question tag will always have a positive statement and vice versa. A question tag is framed using the auxiliary verb with the subject in the sentence, if there is no auxiliary verb in the given sentence, then ‘do/does, have’ etc. are used.

What is the question tag for listen to me?

Answer: Will you listen to me?

What is tag question with examples?

Tag questions have the same subject and helping verb as the sentence they follow. For example: It’s nice, isn’t it? Moby doesn’t play the piano, does he? When the sentence is positive, the tag question is negative and when the sentence is negative, the tag question is positive.

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What is TAG question with examples?

How do you write a question tag and give examples?

Question tags are used in a number of ways: negative or positive, with or without auxiliary verb, with modal verb, etc….Examples of Positive question tag:

  1. You aren’t busy, are you?
  2. He can’t drive, can he?
  3. Mohit doesn’t work hard, does he?
  4. They haven’t come yet, have they?

How do you use question tags in a sentence?

We can add question tags like isn’t it?, can you? or didn’t they? to a statement to make it into a question. Question tags are more common in speaking than writing. We often use question tags when we expect the listener to agree with our statement. In this case, when the statement is positive, we use a negative question tag.

What is the positive question tag for Am I?

If the main verb or auxiliary verb in the statement is am, the positive question tag is am I? but the negative question tag is usually aren’t I?: I’m never on time, am I? I’m going to get an email with the details, aren’t I? Do this exercise to test your grammar again.

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Can a question tag contain an auxiliary verb?

In case, the main part of the sentence doesn’t contain an auxiliary verb, the question tag is constructed with the relevant form of ‘do’. E.g. He eats fish, doesn’t he?

What is a negative question tag in writing?

Question tags are more common in speaking than writing. We often use question tags when we expect the listener to agree with our statement. In this case, when the statement is positive, we use a negative question tag. She’s a doctor, isn’t she? Yesterday was so much fun, wasn’t it? If the statement is negative, we use a positive question tag.