
How do companies protect their source code?

How do companies protect their source code?

Small software companies protect their source code against being stolen by their programmers by entering into agreements by which the programmers: Assign all rights to the software (including intellectual property rights) to the company; and.

What happens if an employee leaks source code?

If your source code is leaked, you could end up, like RSA and Symantec, having to recall a product or advise customers to suspend use of your software. You will then have to work quickly to find a patch before anyone using the software is breached.

Is Facebook source code open?

Facebook’s open source program, for example, encourages others to release their code as open source, while working and engaging with the community to support open source projects.

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What is SourceTree mercurial?

What is SourceTree? Manage all your repositories, hosted or local, through SourceTree’s simple interface. Mercurial belongs to “Version Control System” category of the tech stack, while SourceTree can be primarily classified under “Source Code Management Desktop Apps”.

What is a monorepo and why you should care?

A monorepo is a version-controlled code repository that holds many projects. While these projects may be related, they are often logically independent and run by different teams. Some companies host all their code in a single repository, shared among everyone. Monorepos can reach colossal sizes.

Why is source code so secret?

Why is the source code of Windows so secret? What is there to hide? First and foremost is that Windows is a proprietary program. This means that Microsoft maintains the rights to every bit of code it has written, or bought, and doesn’t want to others to use that code in their products.

Why is it bad if source code is stolen?

Usually nothing happens. Security might be affected if it is done incorrectly, they may search for security issues in the code. If the code is very advanced, people might steal it, there may be passwords in the code. Otherwise nothing much would happen.

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What happens when source code is stolen?

The Impact of Stolen Source Code Then they can send phishing emails to gamers to access and exploit their accounts or credentials, or to sell them on the Dark Web. They could even distribute alternate versions of malware-infected games to gamers.