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How did people build houses in the past?

How did people build houses in the past?

In the Middle Ages, ordinary people’s homes were usually made of wood. However in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, many were built or rebuilt in stone or brick. By the late 17th century even poor people usually lived in houses made of brick or stone. They were a big improvement over wooden houses.

What were most houses made of?

Wood is one of the main features for housing construction in the United States. Although there are more resistant materials such as brick and concrete, wooden houses continue to be the favorite element in the American construction sector.

Why are houses built with cheap materials?

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In California they are built with the cheapest materials because they are built in a few weeks and are not expected to last more than 10 years.

Why did humans build houses?

Looking to the future Well before we started to settle in permanent communities, human beings have built homes and other structures to meet their growing needs. Many of these have served practical purposes such as offering shelter but, as our building capabilities grew, so did our communities.

What is a house used for?

A house is a building for people to live in. It is usually built for a family (parents and their children). Most modern houses have special areas or rooms for people to do the things that they need to live comfortably.

Should new homes be built to match the traditional building style?

People have different views on how new houses should be built. While some argue that new homes in a locality should be built to match the traditional building style of that area, others insist that house owners should be allowed to choose whatever design they like.

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Why is it important to allow people to decide how homes are built?

To conclude, while it is easy to follow the historical style of building homes, in my opinion, it is important to allow people to decide how their homes should be built because a home is much more than a place to live in. It is an extension of your personality. Band 7.5 IELTS Essay Sample | Do Apartments Have More Advantages Than Houses?

Why do houses look the same in every neighbourhood?

It lends a classic look to the neighbourhood. Also, when all houses look the same, residents feel a sense of equality. People often build palatial homes to show off their wealth. By simply asking them to build a home that matches other homes in the locality the government can stop this audacious display of wealth.

Why do people build palatial homes?

People often build palatial homes to show off their wealth. By simply asking them to build a home that matches other homes in the locality the government can stop this audacious display of wealth. On the flip side, there are many more benefits to building a home as per the needs and wants of its owner.