Tips and tricks

How did Cedric know to put the egg under water?

How did Cedric know to put the egg under water?

Carty? He regularly brought all his possessions into the bath with him. I figured it’s Moody/Barty who told him, just to help Harry with the egg.

How did Cedric swim underwater?

The Bubble-Head Charm provides the caster with a nice, airtight chamber of oxygen so they can breathe underwater and thus avoid scuba gear or really unpleasant smells. (It’s used in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by Cedric Diggory and Fleur Delacour during the Triwizard Tournament.)

Who told Harry to open the egg under water?

He did not figure out the clue until he took the advice of Cedric Diggory and “took a bath” with the egg. With the urging of Moaning Myrtle, Harry opened it up underwater. After some contemplation, he asked Myrtle if there were merpeople in the Black Lake.

Who told Cedric about the egg?

After completing the task, Cedric is informed by Barty Crouch, Jr. to place the egg underwater and listen to it. Cedric takes the egg to the Prefect’s bathroom and figures out that the second task will involve the merpeople.

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Did Cedric Diggory cheat?

Cedric started his sixth year in September 1994, the same year that the Triwizard Tournament was reinstated. Cedric later asked Harry how he managed to cheat, and Harry again told him that he never cheated.

What would happen if the merfolk egg was opened?

As the voices were those of merfolk, they could only be understood underwater. If opened in open air, the egg would screech (like a banshee) and make a horrible racket. Harry Potter did not pay much attention to the egg the first weeks, the reason being him thinking he had hordes of time.

How did Cedric turn a dog into a dog?

“Cedric did this weird thing where he Transfigured a rock on the ground… turned it into a dog… he was trying to make the dragon go for the dog instead of him.

Where can I find the index to the Goblet of fire reread?

We’re on Chapters 24 and 25 of The Goblet of Fire —Rita Skeeter’s Scoop and The Egg and the Eye. Index to the reread can be located here! Other Harry Potter and Potter-related pieces can be found under their appropriate tag. And of course, since we know this is a reread, all posts might contain spoilers for the entire series.

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Why did Harry Potter take a bath with the egg?

Harry Potter did not pay much attention to the egg the first weeks, the reason being him thinking he had hordes of time. He did not figure out the clue until he took the advice of Cedric Diggory and “took a bath” with the egg. With the urging of Moaning Myrtle, Harry opened it up underwater.