How can you tell the difference between British and American English?

How can you tell the difference between British and American English?

Spelling differences

British English American English
-oe-/-ae- (e.g. anaemia, diarrhoea, encyclopaedia) -e- (e.g. anemia, diarrhea, encyclopedia)
-t (e.g. burnt, dreamt, leapt) -ed (e.g. burned, dreamed, leaped)
-ence (e.g. defence, offence, licence) -ense (defense, offense, license)

Is Flat British or American?

British vs American Vocabulary

British English ↕ American English ↕
film film, movie
flat apartment, flat, studio
flat tyre flat tire
flyover overpass

Why do Americans not use thousands?

There are two reasons. First, it is customary to name the leftmost digits as grouped units of a power of ten, especially when the number has zeroes to the right. The customary division of higher order numbers is groups of three digits: thousands (,000), millions (,000,000), billions (,000,000,000), etc.

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What is a billion in USA?

The American billion is one thousand million: 1,000,000,000. The trillion is also the American version now – one thousand billion.

What is the difference between British time and American time?

Time telling in British vs American English. Both languages have a slightly different structure of telling the time. While the British would say quarter past ten to denote 10:15, it is not uncommon in America to say quarter after or even a quarter after ten.

How did American English differ from British English?

Over the years, English spoken in the United States and in Britain started diverging from each other in various aspects. This led to a new dialects in the form of American English. Prior to the Revolutionary War and American independence from the British in 1776, American and British accents were similar.

What is the difference between British and American English prepositions?

There are also a few differences between British and American English in the use of prepositions. For example: While the British would play in a team, Americans would play on a team. Another example: While the British would go out at the weekend, Americans would go out on the weekend .

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What is the difference between living in the UK and USA?

Both countries provide students with residence halls in which to live. They are roughly equivalent, although in the UK it is more normal to have a bedroom by yourself, whereas in the US, you may very well share a bedroom with at least one other person.