
How can I stop being scared of eye drops?

How can I stop being scared of eye drops?

If you’re too anxious to insert eye drops

  1. Lean your head back as far as is comfortable, or lay down on a bed or couch.
  2. Keep your eyes closed.
  3. Hold the eye drop bottle with your thumb and first two fingers.
  4. Put the other two fingers of your hand on your nose for stability.

Can you put eye drops in the corner of your eye?

Place a drop in the inner corner of your eyelid (the side closest to the bridge of your nose). By opening your eyes slowly, the drop should fall right into your eye. If you are still not sure the drop actually got in your eye, put in another drop.

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Are there phobia of eyes?

Ommetaphobia describes an extreme fear of eyes. Like other phobias, this type of fear can be strong enough to interfere with your daily routine and social activities, while also being considered irrational because of the lack of any “real” danger.

Why are we so afraid of eye drops?

Fear of eye drops is extremely common, as we’re conditioned to reflexively protect our eyes, and introduction of any foreign substance into them makes us feel threatened and defenseless. So we blink, flinch, turn our face away, try to touch the dropper to our eyeballs…

How to overcome your fear of eyes?

While working out alone won’t address your fear of eyes directly, regular exercise can help with anxiety management. This in turn can help you better cope with your phobia while reducing the severity of symptoms. The key is to find an activity you enjoy and to make it a point to practice it on a regular basis.

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How do you stop eye drops from running in your throat?

If you hate the taste of the eye medication that sometimes runs into your throat, apply medium pressure between the inner corner of the eyes and the bridge of the nose to block the tear drainage duct. This way, the liquid is less likely to escape into your mouth.

How do you use a eye dropper?

With your left hand (if you’re right-handed), gently pull down the lower lid of the eye. This will create a sort of pocket or a cup to hold the liquid. Now take the dropper in your dominant hand and hold it up, so the tip is poised directly above the pocket in your lower lid. Be careful not to let the tip of the dropper touch your eye.