
How can I stop being jealous and compare with others?

How can I stop being jealous and compare with others?

Here are five healthy and practical ways to end the jealousy game and take your power back.

  1. Identify specific triggers. If you want to stop comparing yourself to others, determine when envy rears its ugly head.
  2. Commit yourself to gratitude.
  3. Document your achievements.
  4. Embrace the competition.
  5. Be your own best friend.

How do I stop comparing myself to other people?

Instead of joining in when the mean voice of comparison pops up, choose to be on your side. Relieve, soothe, and comfort yourself. Give yourself regular pep talks, and if you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself. 10. Turn comparison into inspiration.

How can I stop comparing my path to someone else’s path?

1. Water your own grass. When we focus on other people, we lose time that we could otherwise invest in ourselves. We don’t grow green grass by focusing on our neighbor’s garden, we do it nurturing our own. So, instead of wasting time comparing your path to someone else’s, spend it investing, creating, and caring for your own.

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How do I stop looking at what other people have?

Whenever you find yourself looking at what other people have, remind yourself of what you’re grateful for. For me, that means appreciating my family, my wonderful friends, and the fact that I’m living in a peaceful country (Sweden). So, shift focus from what you don’t have, to what you do have. 7. Decide not to let fear guide your choices.

How do we tend to our comparison with others?

And we must tend to it with honor, care, compassion, and praise. Because when we have allowed for more expression this year than we have in the last, and more importantly we recognize it, then we can stand taller as a result of the comparison instead of diminished by it.