
How can I stay positive while preparing for UPSC?

How can I stay positive while preparing for UPSC?

How to remain motivated during UPSC preparation

  1. 1 1. Good Study Mates.
  2. 2 2. Make a routine or time table.
  3. 3 3. Don’t compare yourself with others.
  4. 4 4. No to social Media.
  5. 5 5. Motivation from family.
  6. 6 6. Take small breaks.
  7. 7 7. Reward yourself.
  8. 8 8. Never say die.

How many hours did you study to clear UPSC?

There are some aspirants who claim to study 15-16 hours per day while preparing for the UPSC exam. And, there are others who clear the exam studying just for 6-7 hours in a day….Also, read.

IAS General Studies Notes Links
Nabard Bank IAS Full Form
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How can I increase my Upsc memory?

Exercise. Researchers have found that exercising has a great impact on improving memory power.

Should you tell your friends you preparing for UPSC?

Just stick with a small circle of friends from whom you can derive the positive energy that is needed for your preparation. You may talk to them once in a while when you are stressed. These conversations are encouraged as long as it does not take away your precious time.

How to prepare for UPSC in first 6 months?

For the first six months, the studies should be done keeping in mind both Prelims and Mains. Preparing for mains simultaneously covers a major chunk of UPSC syllabus. Keeping this in mind, a candidate has to devote at least 5-6 hours on a regular basis for studies.

Is God preparing you to receive what you’ve prayed for?

If God Is Giving You the Supernatural Ability to Keep Faithfully Waiting for What You’ve Been Praying For, This Is a Sign He’s Preparing You to Receive It

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How can I learn to pray?

How can you learn to pray? First, understand why prayer is possible. Prayer is possible because Jesus Christ has removed the barrier between us and God—a barrier caused by our sins. You see, sin separates us from God, and because of that we have no right to come before Him.

Why do some prayers go un answered?

Some of these prayers go unanswered. Most of these prayers are void of God’s will and filled with selfishness. Sadly, these are the prayers believers lift up to God, and when their prayers go unanswered, they begin to think that God doesn’t answer prayer. This is because they’ve mistaken God as a genie instead of the one true God Almighty.