
How can I help my overweight guinea pig?

How can I help my overweight guinea pig?

If your small pet is overweight, do not put him on a crash diet. This could be dangerous. Instead, just feed him a regular, balanced, healthy diet and make sure he gets plenty of exercise. Playing with your small pet is a great way to ensure that he gets exercise, and it is a great way to bond.

What happens if a guinea pig is obese?

Obese guinea pigs may have fatty pads on their shoulders, legs and groin area. They can also accumulate fat deposits around their internal organs, including the heart; these can cause serious health problems. If your guinea pig is overweight, they will become unfit and have reduced exercise tolerance.

Why is my guinea pig so fat?

Guinea pigs are vegetarian and their diet has little fat, so it is unusual for them to become overweight. However, they can gain weight from having too little exercise, being fed too many treats, or suffering from a medical issue like pregnancy or a tumour.

What food causes bloat in guinea pigs?

“Certain foods cause gas build-up and should not be fed to guinea pigs,” Dr. Hageman says. “These include all the cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) and bok choy. Guinea pigs should be fed lots of timothy hay to keep their intestines moving smoothly.”

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Why is my guinea pig losing weight but still eating?

If a guinea pig is losing weight and drinking a lot of water more than usual, it’s a sign of diabetes. Diabetes is a common disease in guinea pigs, and weight loss is a common sign of the same. If your guinea pigs are not eating the food properly, they will ultimately lose weight.

Can guinea pigs overeat?

Guinea pigs don’t usually overeat, but it’s important to provide the proper balance of pellets, hay and fresh vegetables. Guinea pigs need continuous access to hay to aid their digestion and limit the growth of their teeth.

How do you exercise a guinea pig?

What exercise and environmental enrichment do guinea pigs need?

  1. Give your guinea pigs enough space to run about and play.
  2. Provide them with foraging opportunities such as untreated wicker baskets filled with hay and food hidden around their enclosure for them to find.

How do I exercise my guinea pig?

Provide your guinea pig with cardboard boxes, paper towel rolls or toilet paper rolls (maybe filled with hay or healthy treats) to play with. Offer a variety of appropriate and safe cat toys. Try sitting on the floor with your guinea pig and rolling balls to him.

Why are guinea pigs bellies so big?

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What is guinea pig bloat? Just as humans, guinea pigs can also suffer from bloating. When bloating occurs, the discomfort is often much more painful in guinea pigs. Guinea pig bloat occurs when excess trapped gas cause organs to become compressed.

Can carrots cause bloating in guinea pigs?

However, don’t over feed it to your Guinea Pig as it can cause gas and bloating. Carrots: These are loved by Guinea Pigs, however, they contain sugar, which can lead to tooth problems and diabetes. They also contain oxalate which can lead to oxalate stones. They also contain high amounts of vitamin A.

What do I do if my guinea pig is losing weight?

If the only thing you have noticed in your guinea pig is weight loss, this can be caused by many things. Visit your veterinarian as soon as possible. Causes of weight loss include dental problems, liver or kidney diseases, intestinal disease, endocrine disease, infection and toxins — just to name a few.

How many times a day should I feed my guinea pig?

Feed your guinea pig on a consistent schedule, twice a day, morning and evening. Guinea pigs will overeat if given the chance, so, to prevent obesity, remove pelleted food that is left uneaten after one hour and discard fresh fruits or vegetables that are left uneaten after 24 hours.

What should I do if my guinea pig is overweight?

If you’ve been tracking your guinea pig’s weight and see a dramatic weight gain or if you’re concerned that your guinea pig is overweight, schedule an appointment with the veterinarian. They’ll examine your pet to determine if a medical condition, such as pregnancy or a tumor, is causing the weight gain.

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Why is my guinea pig chubbier than normal?

Many cavy owners feel like their guinea pig is a little chubbier than normal. If you’re concerned about your guinea pig’s weight, weigh them regularly and track any weight gain. To help your guinea pig lose a little weight, adjust its diet and cut back on foods such as pellets, treats, and fruit.

Why is my guinea pig gaining weight so fast?

Pellets can be a primary cause of weight gain in guinea pigs. Cut back on how much you give your guinea pig and ensure they’re getting enough produce that contains vitamin C. For example, if you’re currently giving your guinea pig 1/4 cup (30 g) of pellets a day, cut the pellets down to 1/8 cup (15 g).

How do I get my guinea pig to eat his food?

Hide bits of food so your guinea pig has to search for it. Instead of simply putting fresh hay or food in the same part of the cage every day, tuck it into an empty paper towel roll. Then hide the roll in the cage so your guinea pig has to hunt for the food.