
How can I help my obese girlfriend?

How can I help my obese girlfriend?

You could support her by suggesting therapy if necessary, helping her out generally so she has time to go to the gym, or exercising and eating healthily together. But I will also say, weight gain isn’t always a sign of something negative, and when within a healthy range, shouldn’t be viewed as such.

How do I make her feel better about her weight?

5 Ways to Make Your Wife Feel Beautiful Despite Her Weight Gain

  1. Make her feel desired.
  2. Acknowledge her feelings as valid.
  3. Compliment her in public (and in private)
  4. Initiate intimacy.
  5. Shower her with love and attention.

How can a girl be confident in her body?

Here are some tips to help you (and us) along the way:

  1. Compliment us often.
  2. Mean what you say.
  3. Don’t be a critic.
  4. Recognize that, when we get ugly, it’s often more about us than it is about you.
  5. Love our scars.
  6. Be tough, but not rigid.
  7. Come from a place of love and compassion.
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How can I encourage my girlfriend to lose weight?

An active date, like going golfing or taking a walk in the park, may encourage your girlfriend in her weight loss goals, suggests Weight Watchers. Focus on her successes rather than on her failures: you might say, “You’ve really stuck to your workout plan this week” rather than “You need to stop taking in so many calories.”

How do I talk to my girlfriend about her weight problem?

Speaking to girlfriend without true empathy and compassion for her struggle will only push her away. If make your girlfriend feel ashamed or bad about gaining weight, it will backfire. Shame may make your girlfriend eat healthy or restrict what she eats in front of you, but it doesn’t create long-term change.

How do you deal with a girlfriend who won’t eat?

After all, like Brosh says, “unsolicited advice, or trying to ‘fix’ her will only create problems and hurt feelings.” And at the end of the day, focus on health. Work on eating better, trying new things, keeping it playful and just being happy—together.

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What do you do when your girlfriend criticizes Your Body?

Hint, hint: if she criticizes her body, she’s looking for you to affirm she’s gorgeous. Tell her. Then, step a bit further. “If she is coming to you for advice, or complains about her weight, it is always best to validate her feelings, and offer to support her,” says relationship expert and clinical psychologist Andra Brosh, Ph.D.