How can I get passive monthly income?

How can I get passive monthly income?

Sources of Passive Income

  1. Dividend-Paying Stocks & Funds. One of the simplest and most common forms of passive income is dividends from stocks, mutual funds, or exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
  2. Bonds.
  3. Rental Properties.
  4. Public REITs.
  5. Private REITs.
  6. Crowdfunded Real Estate Loans.
  7. Private Notes.
  8. Business Income.

How can I make my first passive income?

You can afford that to start building a passive income stream.

  1. Sell an eBook Online. Self Publishing is mainstream today.
  2. Create a Course on Udemy.
  3. Selling Stock Photos.
  4. Licensing Music.
  5. Create an App.
  6. Affiliate Marketing.
  7. Network Marketing.
  8. Design T-Shirts.

How to generate one lakh a month in passive income?

Methods to generate one lakh a month in passive income 1 Affiliate Marketing 2 Paid Collaborations on YouTube 3 Sale of digital products 4 Online courses More

How can I invest Rs 10 lakhs in equity mutual funds?

Selection of 3-4 good schemes suiting your risk profile is fine enough to invest Rs 10 Lakhs ! As your investment horizon is 10 years, investing in equity mutual funds would be a good idea. But the category selection (large cap, mid cap, small cap or multi-cap) should be based on your risk taking ability.

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How much can I withdraw from SWP for 10 lakhs?

Therefore, in case of Rs. 10 Lakhs, you may plan to withdraw around Rs. 8,000 per month. You can see SWP returns from this link based on the above example https://www.advisorkhoj.com/mutual-funds…

Is it possible to earn 1 lakhs a month from ads?

Yes, there are many websites and YouTube channels that earn ad revenue of one lakh a month. So it is certainly possible. The problem is (1) the probability of starting fresh and hitting this mark is quite low via ads and (2) it is not quite passive income.