
How can I cover JEE syllabus in 20 days?

How can I cover JEE syllabus in 20 days?

Give two hours per day to every subject. Try to cover all your syllabus in the initial 20 days and keep the remaining ten days for continuous revision. For last minute revision you can refer to Oswaal JEE (Main) Solved Papers for all the three subjects; Physics, Math and Chemistry.

Can I revise for JEE in 20 days?

Supposing that you would want to study for JEE Mains and crack it within 20 days. It is possible to get the required marks to pass it within 20 days. Even if you cannot get the rank, you would pass it with less than a month of studying.

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Can I complete JEE syllabus in 15 days?

Answer. It is difficult to crack JEE Main in 15 days. You can try to score good marks in your exam for that be motivated and determined. You can focus on important topics which carries more weightage in the exam.

How can I get 150 marks in JEE?

To score 150, aim for at-least 200. Attempt minimum 70-80\% of the paper. Join an online course for JEE to improve your score in tests (should include online test series to practice mock tests in examination format). Start the exam with your favorite section (most aspirants begin with Chemistry as it’s easy).

Can JEE be cracked in 10 days?

JEE Advanced is one of the toughest engineering entrance exams in India and needs one to prepare smartly right from the beginning of Class 11. Embibe can help you in this and you can crack JEE Advanced in just 10 days. In fact, you can improve your JEE Advanced 2020 score by taking just two tests on Embibe.

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What is the average score of 150 in the JEE Mains?

Scoring 100 to 150 in JEE Main would land you an average rank, of those above the cut-off, from 50,000 to 2.5 lakhs. JEE Main has 3 subjects, which requires you to score 50/120 in each section for 150. For this, you need atleast 13 questions correct, without any negative marking.

How do I prepare for the JEE MAINS exam?

Ask immediately to your teacher or someone else. Manage your concepts, formulas in a separate copy. Don’t mix them with practice copies. Choose two subjects as your priority. (I had choosen Maths and physics) Previous years question papers are must. Make a proper copy for the practiced question, this will help you in the end time.

What is the average score of Chemistry in the JEE Advanced?

Chemistry:- 25 – 40 easily as major portion is from NCERT and if you have command on organic then it will be just “MASHALLAH”. Therefore you can get a total ranging between 60 – 95 meaning there are slight chances that you may qualify Mains but with this preperation in JEE Advanced you can do nothing but just scratching your head.

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Which is the best JEE preparation channel for IIT JEE?

Vedantu JEE – an exclusive JEE Main Preparation & JEE Advanced Preparation channel for IIT JEE Aspirants. The Channel aims at a solid base for JEE 2021 (JEE Main 2021 & JEE Advanced 2021) & JEE 2022 (JEE Main 2022 & JEE Advanced 2022) Exams.