
How can I convince my parents to get me an iPhone?

How can I convince my parents to get me an iPhone?

Consider getting a job. As part of your strategy to convince your parents to get you an iPhone, you may want to help pay for it. You’ll, of course, need money of your own to be able to do this. So long as your parents are ok with it, consider finding a part-time job after school or on weekends.

Can you buy an iPhone without a parent?

And the answer is yes, as long as they have a valid means of payment of the full retail price plus taxes. There is no age check, requirement or restriction when buying an iPhone or any other Apple device in person at an Apple store if buying outright.

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Can a 13 year old buy a phone?

In the US you must be 18 or older to sign up for a plan with AT, the only carrier the unlocked phone works with. If you are buying an unlocked iPhone they will take cash, they stopped the no cash policy some time ago and never had for unlocked iPhones since they offered them in the US in June.

How do I convince my parents to let me buy an iPhone?

Tips Mentioning “iPhone” to your parents can help to suggest that you are interested and you know about the product. Find cheap deals with good, popular networks. Make sure the deal is genuine if you buy a secondhand (used) iPhone. Make sure your parents know your grades will not fall. If they say no, be patient.

Is it OK to not buy your kid an iPhone?

Parents: you are not depriving your kid if you don’t buy him an iPhone. Smartphones — especially the latest, fanciest ones — have become status symbols for kids and are the source of a lot of peer pressure. ( Get tips on how to manage high-tech hand-me-downs .)

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How can I get my kids to take better care of phones?

Know that you can start with limits on access (to the Internet, for example) and expand as kids demonstrate responsibility. Have your kids pay their way. Have them contribute to the cost of the iPhone or the data plan — or both. They’ll probably take better care of the phone if they understand the costs.

Should you tell your parents you have an iPhone?

While an iPhone can be a helpful tool for school (more on that later), your parents may be worried that it will distract you from your studies. Before you talk to your parents about getting an iPhone, take a careful, honest look at your grades.