How can I be happy on Monday morning?

How can I be happy on Monday morning?

Here are 11 ways to beat (or avoid) the dreaded Monday Blues:

  1. Identify the problem.
  2. Prepare for Monday on Friday.
  3. Make a list of the things you’re excited about.
  4. Unplug for the weekend.
  5. Get enough sleep and wake up early.
  6. Dress for success.
  7. Be positive.
  8. Make someone else happy.

How do you make Mondays fun?

15 ways to make Mondays fun again

  1. Think of Mondays as a fresh start.
  2. Find a holiday to celebrate!
  3. Try something new.
  4. Make plans after school.
  5. Start the day off with your fave delish drink.
  6. Rock your fave outfit.
  7. Change up your look.
  8. Sign up for lunch period with your bestie.

How do you start a Monday?

  1. Plan your Monday mornings on Friday evenings.
  2. Schedule “planning time” into Monday mornings.
  3. Do something physical on Sunday evenings.
  4. Reconsider “hanging out” on Sunday nights.
  5. Get up a bit earlier on Monday mornings.
  6. Make yourself laugh on Monday mornings.
  7. If you still get dressed for work, wear something delightful.
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What do we celebrate on Monday?

The Uniform Monday Holiday Act ( Pub. L. 90–363, 82 Stat. 250, enacted June 28, 1968) is an Act of Congress that moved permanently to a Monday three Federal holidays in the United States—Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, and Labor Day—and that made Columbus Day a federal holiday, also permanently on a Monday.

How do I get energetic on Monday?

7 Tips for an Alert, Energetic, & Enjoyable Monday | SnoozeClinic.com

  1. Keep moving. Staying physically active all day will energize your Mondays.
  2. Face the light.
  3. Take a PREM nap.
  4. Get a relaxing massage.
  5. Snack smartly.
  6. Consume caffeine judiciously.
  7. Seek spiritual support.

What is thank God its Monday?

January 4
Thank God It’s Monday Day, celebrated every first Monday in January, is all about rewiring our minds to have a positive attitude about the most hated day of the week….National Thank God Its Monday Day dates.

Year Date Day
2021 January 4 Monday
2022 January 3 Monday
2023 January 2 Monday
2024 January 1 Monday
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Is Monday a holiday 2021?

In 2021, the federal holidays in the United States fall on the following dates: Friday, January 1 – New Year’s Day. Monday, January 18 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Monday, September 6 – Labor Day.

How can you Be Happy on Monday?

Make sure you start your week off right by being happy on Monday. Mondays mark the start of a new week, so set your week up the right way by being happy and positive throughout all of your Monday. There are many reasons for you to smile.

What are the best Happy Monday morning messages?

Please take a look below and find the best happy Monday morning messages to greet your friends, family, or partner and make their Monday blues away! Happy Monday morning. May God’s blessings be with you throughout the day. Wish my love a morning full of love and success. Happy Monday.

What do you do on a Monday morning?

There are many aspects of a Monday morning which may make you feel sad, mad, or just generally down. However, you can choose how you react to those things. Shake them off and continue your day wth a smile on your face. Find something good in every single day. 7.

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What is your mood each Monday morning?

Each Monday is a canvas and only you choose with which colors you’ll paint it, you create your own mood. Only you can choose how you react to things, so be sure to react to everything with positive energy. There are many aspects of a Monday morning which may make you feel sad, mad, or just generally down.