
How can Hulk breathe in space?

How can Hulk breathe in space?

HE CAN BREATHE UNDERWATER The Hulk has a rather unknown ability in breathing underwater, which he’s able to accomplish due to a gland in his body that creates oxygen to fill his lungs with.

Can Superman be suffocated?

Superman can indeed suffocate or drown, and in the DCAU is shown wearing an oxygen suit when working in outer space. In this version, Superman needs to breathe air in order to live, making him as vulnerable to suffocation or drowning as any normal human on Earth.

Why can Captain Marvel breathe in space?

At the end of the movie, Captain Marvel flies into space after engaging her helmet but not her shield. It’s never specifically stated how or why she can breathe in space, but it’s safe to assume that the movie takes after the comics in that it simply doesn’t matter.

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Can Superman survive outer space?

It’s been shown in comics that Superman can survive in the vacuum of space for a long time, but he can’t breathe there. Because there’s no air to breathe. To breathe in space, Superman would have to take his own air supply off Earth, in which case he’d be as able as anyone else.

Does Superman need oxygen?

Therefore, it is logical that Superman bypasses the need for oxygen because he primarily metabolizes sunlight, rather than food, and that his feats would consume more energy than food stores could ever provide.

Can Superman breathe underwater?

Hearing: Superman could hear sound at almost any wavelength and at great distances. Super Breath: Superman’s breath was capable of freezing objects and generating hurricane-force winds. He could also hold his breath indefinitely, allowing him to travel underwater or in space without breathing apparatus.

Can the Flash Breath in space?

Flash has never been demonstrated as being able to breathe in space, or to hold his breath for superhuman lengths of time.