Tips and tricks

How can 8 8s make 1000?

How can 8 8s make 1000?

Instead of asking to make a thousand out of eight 8’s u can also hear it like add any number of +’s to 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 to make it a sum of 1000. (8888-888)/8=1000.

How do you get the number 100?

Using the numerals 1,7,7,7 and 7 (a “1” and four “7”s) create the number 100. As well as the five numerals you can use the usual mathematical operations +, −, ×, ÷ and brackets (). For example: (7+1) × (7+7) = 112 would be a good attempt, but not right, because it is not 100.

Can you write down eight eights?

The answer for Can you write down eight eights so that they add up to one thousand? Riddle is “888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000.”

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How can you make 100 using four nines?

Can You Make 100 Using Four Nines? A person can make 100 using the digit 9 four times in an equation. The equation for this math problem is: 99 + (9 / 9) = 100. This solution works because 9 divided by 9 equals 1, and 99 plus 1 equals 100.

How many times can you make 100 using the digit 9?

A person can make 100 using the digit 9 four times in an equation. The equation for this math problem is: 99 + (9 / 9) = 100. This solution works because 9 divided by 9 equals 1, and 99 plus 1 equals 100. Solving this math problem requires one to notice that the number 99, which contains the digit 9 repeated twice, is very close to 100.

How many sevens and one (1) make 100?

Time to test your mathematical skills. Solve this riddle and get the right answer. Using four sevens (7) and a one (1) create the number 100. Except the five numerals you can use the usual mathematical operations (+, -, x, /), root and brackets ()

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How many different ways can you make every positive integer?

Using only factorials, sqrts, the floor function, and a single ‘4’, it is possible to make every positive integer an infinite number of different ways. getmathhelp! However, I don’t seem to be able to find any rhyme or reason for finding a formula.