
How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration dependent on each other for the survival of heterotrophs and autotrophs?

How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration dependent on each other for the survival of heterotrophs and autotrophs?

In contrast to autotrophs, heterotrophs survive through respiration, using oxygen and an energy source (carbohydrates, fats or protein) to produce ATP, which powers cells. First, photosynthesis consumes carbon dioxide (a waste product of respiration) and produces oxygen (necessary for respiration).

How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis dependent on each other can you explain with the help of reaction of respiration?

Photosynthesis makes the glucose that is used in cellular respiration to make ATP. While photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, cellular respiration requires oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. It is the released oxygen that is used by us and most other organisms for cellular respiration.

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How are respiration and photosynthesis dependent on each other?

The two are clearly dependent on each other. Without photosynthesis, there wouldn’t be any glucose or oxygen which kick off the respiration reaction. Photosynthesis requires the products from respiration, and respiration requires the products from photosynthesis.

How do photosynthesis and cellular respiration work together in an ecosystem?

photosynthesis and cellular respiration allow the carbon and oxygen that organisms consume and produce to be cycled through the ecosystem. They work together so that what is made from one process is used in the other. Without them the ecosystem would run out of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and everything would die.

Why are Autotrophs and Heterotrophs dependent on one another?

Explain your answer. Autotrophs are organisms that are able to use a source of energy such as sunlight, to produce their own food. Heterotrophs depend on autotrophs to harvest energy from the sun. This energy is then passed on to heterotrophs in the form of food.

What made the cellular respiration and photosynthesis different from each other?

While photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, cellular respiration requires oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. While cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide into the environment, photosynthesis pulls carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

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How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar and different?

Photosynthesis involves the use of energy from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen. Cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. For example, both processes synthesize and use ATP, the energy currency.

How are autotrophs and heterotrophs different from each other?

“Autotrophs are organisms that prepare their own food through the process of photosynthesis, whereas heterotrophs are organisms that cannot prepare their own food and depend upon autotrophs for nutrition.”

What is the relationship between heterotrophs and autotrophs?

Autotrophs store chemical energy in carbohydrate food molecules they build themselves. Most autotrophs make their “food” through photosynthesis using the energy of the sun. Heterotrophs cannot make their own food, so they must eat or absorb it.

Does cellular respiration occur simultaneously with photosynthesis in plants?

While photosynthesis only occurs during the day in plants and algae, cellular respiration occurs both day and night. The two processes take place in different cellular organelles (the chloroplasts and mitochondria, respectively) and can occur simultaneously.

How is photosynthesis similar to cellular respiration?

Photosynthesis involves the use of energy from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen. Cellular respiration uses glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. To emphasize this point even more, the equation for photosynthesis is the opposite of cellular respiration.

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What is the relationship between oxygen and photosynthesis?

Trees release oxygen which is a by-product of photosynthesis, and we breathe in oxygen so that our cells can carry out cellular respiration and generate ATP. Respiration and photosynthesis are biological reactions in the environment that complement each other. Both are similar reactions that occur in a reverse manner.

What reactants do plants need to perform photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide produced during respiration is one of the reactants plants need to perform photosynthesis. Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are both part of a mutually beneficial relationship. Cellular respiration cannot occur without photosynthesis, and photosynthesis certainly cannot occur without the help of its partner.

How does the cycle of photosynthesis and respiration maintain the balance?

The cycle of photosynthesis and respiration maintains the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis produces the oxygen to replenish oxygen that is used up by living organisms during respiration. Carbon dioxide produced during respiration is one of the reactants plants need to perform photosynthesis.