Has the US ever conquered a country?

Has the US ever conquered a country?

According to Kelly and Laycock’s book, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 – a staggering 98 percent.

When did America take over the world?

This culminated in the Spanish-American war in 1898, which ended with America acquiring a whole lot of different territories around the globe. America was officially a global power, one that intervened in a number of countries, made major diplomatic moves in East Asia, and played a critical role in ending World War I.

Is there any nation that could invade and successfully conquer the USA?

Yes there is one nation that could invade and successfully conquer the United States of America and of course it’s called China ok China has more military And of course more power as well ok and yes I think that there is any nation that could invade and successfully conquer the USA ok ✌️Bye

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Can Russia conquer the United States?

Russia might be able to “conquer” the US or whatever its left of it. What I mean is that the technological capabilities of the Russian lags moderately below that of the mighty US.

Is America a great nation again?

No. Indeed, America is no long the great nation it once was. In debt over our heads, living on a false dream that our resources will be around forever. The false idea that our technology will save us. Wake up. America is not the leader in technological advances anymore.

Why does the United States prefer the status quo over War?

The United States enjoys the benefits of the status quo in both areas, and generally (at least where great powers are concerned) prefers to use diplomatic and economic means to pursue its political ends. While the U.S. might create the conditions for war, Russia or China would pull the trigger.