Tips and tricks

Has anyone ever survived the third rail?

Has anyone ever survived the third rail?

Andy Morris hit an electrified third rail after being shoved onto tracks during a drunken fight. A down-on-his-luck construction worker survived a 625-volt zap to the head after getting pushed onto an electrified third rail during a drunken brawl in Brooklyn.

Can you survive touching the third rail?

People have even survived after coming in contact with the third rail, as long as they are not touching the running rail and third rail at the same time, he said. “When people are really smoked down there, it’s when you hit a running rail and the third rail at the same time,” he said.

What happens if you jump in front of a moving train?

The human body is extremely fragile and you will die if you are stupid enough to jump in front of a moving train. I have been in two train verses car wrecks and the drivers of those cars were killed instantly even inside of their car.

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Why do trains not stop for suicide-by-train?

In addition to the certain death of the person who jumps, suicide-by-train creates a horrible problem for the people driving the train. They see the suicide about to happen and there is nothing they can do about it. Trains do not stop.

What does the Bible say about jumping off a train?

So, there are no winners in the train verses person. Depends if it;s moving… , John 3:16 works for me. In addition to the certain death of the person who jumps, suicide-by-train creates a horrible problem for the people driving the train.

What happens to people who are involved in train accidents?

The train crew involved in the train verses person accident will go on with their lives, but will never be the same, some will turn to alcohol to try and forget about it, others will try to get help from a psychologist, and others will just carry the anger and hurt inside, until it affects their families and end up divorced, bitter and alone.