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For what reason does evolutionary psychology argue women are more selective than men when choosing mates?

For what reason does evolutionary psychology argue women are more selective than men when choosing mates?

One of the most fundamental principles of evolutionary psychology is that women are much more selective than men in their mate choice. Because women pay far greater reproductive costs by making the wrong choice, women have been designed by evolution to be more cautious and choosier than men in mate selection.

Why are women more sexually selective?

Females tend to be the choosier sex when it comes to selecting a mate, part- ly because males can produce millions of sperm, whereas females’ eggs are few and far between. Thus, females may be more selective because they have more invested in each gamete and in the re- sulting offspring.

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For what reason does evolutionary psychology argue women are more selective than men when choosing mates quizlet?

For what reason does evolutionary psychology argue women are more selective than men when choosing mates? Women have to invest more in producing offspring. The Meyer-Bahlburg (2005) study of genetic males who were raised as female found that ______.

Why do evolutionary psychologists hypothesize that women prefer older higher status men?

Through different methods, time periods, and cultures, supports the hypothesis that women have evolved a powerful preference for long term mates with the ability to provide resources. Women desire men who command a high position because social status is a universal cue to the control of resources.

How do evolutionary psychologists use natural selection to explain behavior tendencies?

Evolutionary psychologists seek to understand how our traits and behavior tendencies are shaped by natural selection, as genetic variations increasing the odds of reproducing and surviving are most likely to be passed on to future generations.

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Do men and women experience arousal differently?

Monitor on Psychology, 34 (4). Men and women experience sexual arousal very differently, not only physiologically but psychologically, according to researchers who are studying arousal using an array of new and refined methods.

How can psychology help us understand sexual arousal?

Psychologists are gaining new insights into sexual arousal with the help of innovative research methods Benson, E. S. (2003, April). Sex: The science of sexual arousal.

How is selection pressure on women realized psychologically?

This selection pressure is realized psychologically through a lower threshold for fear among women.

Why do men value women’s youth so much more than men’s age?

I’ve got lots to say, but let me start with a simple puzzle I never noticed before. Evolutionary psychology has a simple explanation for why men value women’s youth far more than the reverse: Menopause. Females’ fertility declines sharply during their thirties, and largely vanishes in their forties.