Does the Hulk have dissociative identity disorder?

Does the Hulk have dissociative identity disorder?

He returned to the Roger Stern and Mantlo abuse storylines, expanding the damage caused, and depicting Banner as suffering dissociative identity disorder (DID).

How many personalities does Moon Knight have?

Spector, a former U.S. Marine, has four alternate personalities in the comics: billionaire business mogul Steven Grant, cab driver Jake Lockley, young girl Inner Child and suited Mr. Knight.

Can someone with DID have 100 alters?

A person with DID has two or more distinct identities. The “core” identity is the person’s usual personality. “Alters” are the person’s alternate personalities. Some people with DID have up to 100 alters.

Is Marc Spector schizophrenic?

It is later revealed Marc Spector has dissociative identity disorder (incorrectly referred to as schizophrenia in some stories) and that the alters known as Grant and Lockley originally manifested during his childhood, subsequent identities emerging during his adulthood.

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Is Moon Knight a hallucination?

Well, some stories have suggested that the Egyptian god Khonshu who Marc thought granted him the powers of Moon Knight was actually another hallucination created by Marc’s fractured mind.

What is the backstory of Moon Knight?

Compared to all of these exotic origins, Moon Knight has a relatively tame backstory – he was Marc Spector, a mercenary left for dead while on a mission in Sudan but resurrected by the Egyptian moon god Khonshu.

Who is Khonshu in Moon Knight?

In Moon Knight #10, it’s revealed that Khonshu had been appearing before Marc well before his accident in Sudan and may have been a creation of his mind all along. This Khonshu influenced Marc’s behavior throughout his life, making him walk through a minefield while in the marines and engage in other bizarre behavior.