
Does spanking contribute to future problem behavior in childhood adolescence and or adulthood?

Does spanking contribute to future problem behavior in childhood adolescence and or adulthood?

In a series of meta-analyses, spanking was associated with increases in mental health problems in childhood and adulthood, delinquent behavior in childhood and criminal behavior in adulthood, negative parent-child relationships, and increased risk that children will be physically abused (Gershoff, 2002).

How does corporal punishment affect parent/child relationships?

Corporal punishment is an ineffective way to teach children to be responsible, confident and trustworthy. Many studies show that spanking undermines the parent-child relationship and results in resentment, lying, blaming, avoiding responsibility and hurting self or others.

Does spanking teach right from wrong?

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said. Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future.

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Do difficult children cause parents to spank?

In other words, difficult children cause parents to spank. If spanking is found to be associated with child aggression (it is), perhaps it was the child’s aggression that elicited the spanking in the first place.

Is corporal punishment good or bad for kids?

Plenty. In a study released in July 2002, a psychologist who analyzed six decades of research on corporal punishment found that it puts children at risk for long-term harm that far outweighs the short-term benefit of on-the-spot obedience.

Are parents too soft on Kids today?

Research shows that physical punishment can actually have a negative impact on the child’s brain. This goes beyond any feelings that might get hurt, and this is where those that complain about parents being too soft on kids today should pay attention. A study in 2009 looked at kids exposed to harsh corporal punishment (HCP).

Do children respond to punishments that are not physical?

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Some children do not respond to punishments that are not physical. Children who are overly disrespectful are the ones that need physical punishment.