
Does Sakura have a crush on Sasori?

Does Sakura have a crush on Sasori?

SasoSaku is a fairly popular pairing among fans. It is the most popular hetero Sasori pairing and has a fair amount of popularity among Sakura pairings. Fans likely support it due to the interesting relationship they had during their battle as well as Sakura’s last words to him.

Will Sakura be able to defeat Sasori?

Chiyo and Sakura were basically the worst match up against Sasori. Chiyo knew the strengths and weaknesses of several of his puppets and was a puppeter herself. Sakura, had the antidote which counteracts Sasoris poison and she has the brute strength to destroy his puppets.

What was the relationship like between Sakura and Ino?

With Ino and Sakura, all of that animosity really just hid how much they admired one another. Even as they threw barbs at each other, they were impressed with one another’s techniques. Sakura even eventually trained Ino in medical ninja techniques. They both supported and challenged one another in a way no one else ever did.

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Could Sakura have been Sasuke’s Uchiha love interest?

If Sakura were removed from the picture, Karin, Sasuke’s Taka teammate, would have been the likely love interest of the Uchiha. In addition to being completely obsessed with Sasuke, Karin is a fellow descendent of the Uzumaki Clan like Naruto, which means her and Sasuke would’ve had a child with both Uchiha and Uzumaki blood.

What do Kakashi and Guy have in common with Sakura?

Sakura even eventually trained Ino in medical ninja techniques. They both supported and challenged one another in a way no one else ever did. Though both Kakashi and Guy are incredible shinobi and teachers, their lives always seem to revolve around their sense of duty— and their rivalry.

Are there any couples in Naruto that never end up together?

Fan-favorite couples like Naruto & Hinata and Sasuke & Sakura were obvious and seen from a mile away. Other couples like Choji & Karui came as a shock. However, there were also many ninja pairs who had the potential to become an official couple but somehow didn’t end up together by the end of the series.

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