
Does OkCupid automatically deactivate?

Does OkCupid automatically deactivate?

Please note that our Privacy Policy means we do automatically close accounts after a period of inactivity. If you have not accessed your account in over a year and cannot log in, that may be why.

How do I know if my OkCupid account is deleted?

We don’t tell anyone you’ve deleted your account when you do, your profile and messages will simply disappear like you never had an account.

What does green dot mean on OkCupid?

Simple it means that person is active talking to anyone in the site where you are in . It means they are available to talk to you if they don’t want to also. They can also make their name not colored green by paying extra money to the site so you can’t see them.

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What happens when someone deletes their OkCupid account?

Yes, they will disappear from your bookmarks. You can still see the conversation you had with them but you can’t access to their profiles from there. They may not disappear from your bookmarks since that’s the saved data from your account.

Does OkCupid hide inactive profiles?

Conversation. Hi Katie. Our privacy policy states that we delete accounts if they’ve been inactive for more than two years (that’s no logins at all). You can contact us at and we can help walk you through options, though.

Can you hide your profile on OkCupid?

Incognito allows you to keep an active profile on OkCupid while being 100\% hidden to anyone on the site who you have not already messaged or liked. Please note that Incognito is a separate subscription from Basic or Premium, and does not include the features of either.

Can you tell when someone was last online on OkCupid?

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If you mouse-over the green outlined circle, it will show you when the user was last online. If they’ve been active that day it will show you the time they were last active, any time prior that today’s day, it will give you a simple date they were last active.

Does OkCupid tell if you screenshot?

Unfortunately, screenshot notifications aren’t a thing with OkCupid. This means that you’ll have no idea whether or not someone has taken a screenshot of your conversation.

Can you reset OkCupid?

You can reset passes from your privacy settings. Resetting passes doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be added back to the top of your Discover queue, but you should see them again if they match your current search filters.