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Does IE Irodov have solutions?

Does IE Irodov have solutions?

Solution To Problems in General Physics by I.E Irodov IRODOV is considered synonymous with problem-solving and concept development in Physics. The book contains in-depth solutions with discussions of the problems from the Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Molecular Physics.

Who is author of Irodov solutions?

Book Solution Of I E Irodov Problems In General Physics
Author Raj Kumar Sharma Ex Faculty Resonance Institute Kota, Rajasthan
Binding Paper Binding
Publishing Date 2017
Publisher R K Publications

Do I need to solve the whole book of Irodov for JEE?

Well, you don’t need to solve the whole book but you’ve to solve some questions that are upto your level as I.E. Irodov is not a book tailored particularly for JEE so it has some questions that are above JEE scope, so you have to choose the questions and solve only those questions.

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Is IE Irodov hard to solve?

Is IE Irodov very tough? The book is not very tough, but involves use of advanced Mathematics and applications of multiple concepts from Physics in every problem. Students who have strong fundamentals can solve the book without a lot of difficulty.

What is your review of IEIE Irodov physics?

IE Irodov Physics is a helpful book for explaining Physics numerical. It includes good conceptual questions with a variety covering every topic. However, the book includes very tough problems that one does not need to master, according to the current IIT syllabus.

How can I prepare for Irodov and Solomons in JEE Mains?

JEE is about mastering your fundamental concepts deeply not about irodov or solomons. If you have 1 or 2 months of time left before your exam. You may try it, but it requires a lot of mathematical apparatus and expertise, that level of mathematics is not in class 11–12 syllabi (for e.g. partial derivatives).