
Does Gotham have death penalty?

Does Gotham have death penalty?

It’s not about corruption, or the lack of a death penalty in Gotham, because Gotham does have the death penalty FYI, hence why blackgate has an execution chamber, it’s just because the law doesn’t allow for the execution of the criminally insane, because they aren’t in control of themselves.

Who is the main villain of Marvel?

Now, thanks to his starring role in Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, Thanos is not just seen as Marvel’s biggest villain but he’s a household name in his own right – even recreating his cosmically catastrophic Infinity Gauntlet ‘snap’ to murder half the Marvel Cinematic Universe, just as he did in Marvel Comics.

Do superheroes have a kill count?

Most superheroes would never dare take a life, but a couple of anti-heroes have a kill count that could make supervillains blush. Both in Marvel Comics and DC Comics, there are a lot of superheroes who are emotionally flexible.

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Do anti-heroes kill more people than supervillains?

After killing so many people across different timelines, some of these anti-heroes have become so used to killing that they have stopped losing sleep over it. Some would say that they kill more than some supervillains. Here are some of them.

Who is the most dangerous super villain without any powers?

20 Most Dangerous Supervillains Without Any Powers At All 1 Ozymandias. 2 Lex Luthor. 3 Joker. 4 The Red Skull. 5 Ra’s al Ghul. 6 Mysterio. 7 Kingpin. 8 Shredder. 9 Deathstroke. 10 Two-Face.

Why does Spawn Kill so many Marvel characters?

Wolverine isn’t someone who will let a criminal get off easily; he makes sure that the particular person pays for his crimes. He has also killed some important Marvel characters over the years. Spawn has a lot of powers up his sleeve, which generally translates to a lot of unique ways of killing people.