
Does diet soda turn to formaldehyde?

Does diet soda turn to formaldehyde?

If your diet soda reaches a temperature above 86 degrees, the aspartame will break down and get toxic. After the aspartame reaches a temperature above 86 degrees the wood alcohol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid. Blindness, Lupus, and Alzheimer’s can be directly linked to aspartame.

Does aspartame turn to formaldehyde in the body?

Upon ingestion, aspartame is broken, converted, and oxidized into formaldehyde in various tissues.

What does your body turn aspartame into?

When your body processes aspartame, part of it is broken down into methanol. Consumption of fruit, fruit juice, fermented beverages, and some vegetables also contain or result in methanol production. As of 2014, aspartame was the largest source of methanol in the American diet.

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What are the negative effects of aspartame on the body?

Dozens of studies have linked aspartame — the world’s most widely used artificial sweetener — to serious health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, stroke and dementia, as well as negative effects such as intestinal dysbiosis, mood disorders, headaches and migraines.

Does aspartame stay in your body?

Aspartame is fully broken down in our gut to aspartic acid and phenylalanine, which are absorbed and enter our body. In addition, the methyl group from the modified phenylalanine is released in the gut to form methanol. Methanol is also absorbed by the body and most of it used to produce energy.

What diet soda does not have aspartame?

Many diet sodas without aspartame are available, including Diet Coke with Splenda, Coca-Cola Life and Diet Pepsi with Splenda.

How long does it take for your body to get rid of aspartame?

Aspartame Withdrawal Symptoms: How Long Can You Expect Them to Last? It can take 14-30 days to get through the often debilitating symptoms of aspartame withdrawal.

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What happens if you drink aspartame?

Upon ingestion, aspartame is broken, converted, and oxidized into formaldehyde in various tissues.” – a good explanation as for why I’d become dizzy, light-headed and migraine-prone whenever I drank diet sodas back in the day.

Does aspartame break down into methanol Then formaldehyde?

While it is true that aspartame does break down into methanol then formaldehyde, it actually happens much more in fruit juices ( about 2x in a banana, or 6x in an 8oz glass of tomato juice 2 ). Gold attempts to address this in item 4, but simply waves his hand as an explanation for why it can be ignored.

What happens if you drink diet soda everyday?

Chronic exposure (such as individuals who chug down diet sodas everyday) can lead to metabolic acidosis, and eventually coma. Our brains also contain alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes that convert methanol from aspartame into formaldehyde ( 4 ).

Is NutraSweet (aspartame) toxic?

Aspartame, more commonly known as NutraSweet, is frequently claimed to have any number of ill effects in the body. This article will focus on the claim that aspartame contains formaldehyde, leading to toxic effects in the body (such as headaches), and will also touch on the claim that it is a carcinogen (cancer causing agent).