
Does death exist in the Eternal Darkness?

Does death exist in the Eternal Darkness?

No, death is non-existence. Someone who has died no more exists than they did before they were conceived. For there to be ‘eternal darkness’, there’s an implication that there must somehow be an awareness or perception of the absence of light, but this cannot be so.

What happens to your brain when you die?

When someone dies – brain death that is, not clinical death – there is nothing left in their brain; no thoughts, no memory, no feelings, no emotions, no senses…, nothing. A dead brain is nothing more than a collection of dead and decaying cells, and regardless of how much information

What does the Bible say about death?

Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” When he had said this, he breathed his last. (Luke 23:46) This subject of death is relevant to every person. Unless our Lord Jesus comes first, this will happen to you. You will go through it.

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When you die do you instantly reincarnate?

When you die, you instantly reincarnate. Central idea: After death comes a form of reincarnation. Time perception does not exist while dead, so reincarnation can seem to happen right after you die even if a billion years passes in between.

What happens to our consciousness after we die?

Much DEEPER concepts than the Bible touches upon. Consciousness DOES continue after death… we ALL will hear & decide upon the Gospel message if we missed it while alive. NOTHING we have done earns our salvation. Out default position is eternal separation from God if we fail to accept what Jesus freely offers, based on His accomplishments only.

What would happen if there was no sadness?

Without sadness, you wouldn’t know happiness just like the way you wouldn’t know sound if there was no silence, light if there was no darkness, fullness without emptiness, etc. Death is just part of life which you should learn to accept by ‘growing stronger’. Someday you know you’re going to greet it.