
Does being a camp counselor look good to colleges?

Does being a camp counselor look good to colleges?

As you can read, we’re pretty neutral on how a position as a camp counselor might play out for your college applications. Ultimately, we think that colleges agree with us that: it’s better than nothing, but not better than some things.

What does being a summer camp counselor teach you?

The combination of the skills learned as a camp counselor include communication, problem-solving, flexibility, individuality and confidence, all of which are key factors in being successful in any workplace.

Is being a summer camp counselor worth it?

Being a summer camp counselor is one of the best jobs you’ll ever have. You’ll work your butt off every single day, but the rewards are always worth it. If you can do that, you’re guaranteed to have the best summer of your life.

What skills can you learn from being a camp counselor?

What are the skills of a camp counselor?

  • Leadership. Leadership is an especially important skill for a camp counselor to have, as the main responsibility of the job involves leading children through their camp experience.
  • Decision making.
  • Communication.
  • Teamwork.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Creativity.
  • Being a role model.
  • Patience.
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Does being a camp counselor look good on a resume?

When properly outlined on your resume, your summer camp job will translate into a highly beneficial work experience that will help you stand out from the crowd. There are many lifelong skills you will have the opportunity to practice at summer camp that are also in-demand at any workplace.

Do colleges care about camps?

How you spend your summer vacation isn’t just fodder for first-day-back-in-school essays. It could provide a boost on college or job applications—especially if you went to camp. Colleges have been getting more selective in recent years.

Is being a camp counselor a good job?

Being a summer counselor is a great job – especially for those teens that have wonderful memories of being campers themselves. They get to return to a place they love and share their enthusiasm with children. But some teens can have difficulty making the transition from camper to staff.

Does camp counselor look good on resume?

Do summer camp counselors get tips?

“I do tip. The counselors depend on it as part of their salary for the summer,” said Jen Lavie, a New Jersey mom. Ashley DiGeronimo received gratuities from parents when she was a camp counselor and now tips as a parent. “I did not depend on parent tips but [they] sure helped supplement the weekly pay,” she said.

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Why I want to be a camp counselor?

Each summer at Watitoh, we are very lucky to help our oldest boys and girls campers transition from TICS and Waiters to counselors, welcome back many returning staff who already understand the power of being a camp counselor, and recruit new staff who only can imagine the journey ahead of them.

How do you prepare to be a camp counselor?

Before you pack your bag, you should know these ten things.

  1. No Summer Camp Counselor Gets Enough Sleep.
  2. Write Ice Breakers for Campers.
  3. Break Up Camper Cliques.
  4. Check the Weather Forecast Constantly.
  5. Memorize Your Campers’ Names.
  6. Remember the Plan.
  7. Enforce Discipline And Keep Your Campers Safe and Healthy.

Why should I be a camp counselor?

1. You get to be a role model. For however long you have the opportunity to interact with the campers, you quickly become one of the coolest (and most influential) people in their lives. Camp counselors especially have the opportunity to impact campers because of the amount of time spent with their kids.

How to become a better summer camp counselor?

Everybody needs friends. As a summer camp counselor, it can be easy to get burnt out. Luckily, there will be plenty of others at the camp in the same boat as you. Make friends with the other counselors on your trip. In the long run, this will help you become a better counselor and person. Plus, these friendships will last a lifetime.

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How do I describe my camp counselor experience on a resume?

On your resume, describe your camp counselor experience in the same way you would describe your campus involvement or work experience. What was your role at the camp? How would your supervisors, campers, and other counselors describe you? Focus on your accomplishments. Select the skills that are transferable to your

Should you get a summer job for the summer?

On top of getting a job for the summer, you can inspire children to pursue a healthy body and a healthy mind. Whether you’re teaching hockey at a sports camp or becoming a counselor at a Jewish sleepaway summer camp, you’ll develop valuable skills and make memories to last a lifetime.

Should summer camp counselors break up cliques?

As a summer camp counselor, you want the kids to make friends. But you also want them to broaden their horizons. When cliques form at camp, you need to break them up. Of course, we don’t mean coercively: kids should be able to have friends. But you don’t want the same groups to dominate every event.