
Does Aragorn know Gandalf is a Maia?

Does Aragorn know Gandalf is a Maia?

I think Aragorn, at least, knew that he was a Maia the whole time. Aragorn was raised in the house of Elrond as Elrond’s foster-son, and he learned much Elven-lore. The Elves of Rivendell knew that Gandalf had come from across the sea, and they knew that he was not an Elf.

Could the Witch King have defeated Gandalf?

If you assume that an Elf or Man could have slain a Maia (something NOT attested in any pre-LoTR story because the Maiar were a relatively late development), then the Witch-king (especially with his Sauron-given powers) should have had as much chance of killing Gandalf as any Elf or Man would have of killing a Maia.

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Is Smaug the only dragon in Middle-earth?

Smaug is the first dragon who comes to the minds of Tolkien fans around the globe, but he’s not the only one to have terrorized Middle Earth. That dubious honor goes to Glaurung, the Father of Dragons.

What happened to Gandalf after Frodo died?

In fact, after he dies there is only one scene where Gandalf plays a critical role in preserving Frodo’s life and mission. When Frodo puts the Ring on at Amon Hen and he sits atop the hill in the High Seat, he has an “other” vision that shows him (through the Ring’s power) what is happening across Middle-earth.

Is Gandalf the wisest of the Maiar?

up vote 21 down vote. Gandalf possesed Power of the mind and ability to influence people and great wisdom. Gandalf is the wisest of the Maiar. He was known as Olórin, who sometimes dwelt in the gardens of Irmo and was the pupil of Nienna, who taught him wisdom and pity, and of Manwë and Varda.

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Was Gandalf stronger than Balrog?

Balrogs were supposedly the most powerful of morgoth’s servants. The only real support for Gandalf’s victory, (besides the fact that he is AWESOME) is that he is the secret wielder of Narya Which in addition to being a ring of power (re: massive Power booster for magical beings capable of using it)

How many rings does Gandalf have in The Hobbit?

The three were not weapons of war but of maintaining and nurturing. The one ring was for domination. The seven inflamed a love of gold and help wealth hoarding, the nine are never explored. Gandalf uses lighting magic against both the ringwraiths and the Balrog.