
Do you think infinite regress can be possible?

Do you think infinite regress can be possible?

According to the recursive principle, this is only possible if there is a distinct Y that is also F. But in order to account for the fact that Y is F, we need to posit a Z that is F and so on. An infinite regress argument is an argument against a theory based on the fact that this theory leads to an infinite regress.

Is infinite regress a fallacy?

It’s a fallacy because it is begging the question that is to say that it is a circular argument. Whether referring to the origins of the universe or any other regressive context, the answer simply moves the question back into infinite regress rather than answering it.

What is the skeptical regress argument?

1. In order to know something, it’s not enough just to believe it – you have to have a good reason to believe it. In other words: For any p, if S has a good reason to believe that p, then S knows some q such that q supports p and q ¹ p. …

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What was infinite regress theory?

An infinite regress is a series of appropriately related elements with a first member but no last member, where each element leads to or generates the next in some sense. Or the fact that the theory results in the infinite regress might itself be taken to be a reason to reject the theory.

Is infinite regress possible Reddit?

The backbone of the Cosmological argument (and a lot of Aristotle’s work) is that an infinite regress is impossible, so there must be a first mover.

What is infinite regress argument?

An infinite regress argument is an argument that makes appeal to an infinite regress. Usually such arguments take the form of objections to a theory, with the fact that the theory implies an infinite regress being taken to be objectionable.

Is time infinite in philosophy?

Temporal finitism is the doctrine that time is finite in the past. The philosophy of Aristotle, expressed in such works as his Physics, held that although space was finite, with only void existing beyond the outermost sphere of the heavens, time was infinite.

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What is the regress argument in philosophy?

In epistemology, the regress argument is the argument that any proposition requires a justification. This means that any proposition whatsoever can be endlessly (infinitely) questioned, resulting in infinite regress. It is a problem in epistemology and in any general situation where a statement has to be justified.

Why is infinite regress a fallacy?

The fallacy of Infinite Regress occurs when this habit lulls us into accepting an explanation that turns out to be itterative, that is, the mechanism involved depends upon itself for its ownexplanation. Source: Aristotle refers to the impossibility of an infinite regress in his proof of the unmoving mover (Physics, 8.1).

What does infinite regress mean?

Wiktionary (1.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: infinite regress (Noun) A regress into an infinite sequence of propositions in an attempt to found the truth of the proposition P on the truth of the proposition P.

What is infinite regress in philosophy?

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Infinite regress in consciousness is the formation of an infinite series of “inner observers” as we ask the question of who is observing the output of the neural correlates of consciousness in the study of subjective consciousness.

What is about the infinite regress problem?

The Infinite Regress Problem is not a problem, but rather an argument offered by someone bent on remaining obstinately unconvinced by a position or conclusion that rubs them the wrong way. These arguments are no different from Slippery Slope arguments and terminate at the point in where you locate a proposition that is not contingent on another.