Do you think actors and actresses are paid too much?

Do you think actors and actresses are paid too much?

Originally Answered: Are actors/actresses paid too much? No, because the film industry is very fickle. It may seem a lot, but when actors have struggled for years to get those roles, and may not get another role, it is not like other careers. You may only get one well paid job in your life.

Why are singers paid so much?

They earn millions because they are earning many other people a lot of money, and supporting the livelihoods of many other people, from promoters, producers, artists, the people vending in the stands, security guards, truck drivers, session studios, (and on and on).

Why are actors paid differently in movies?

Missing from the scrum, though, was a simple fact: actor remuneration often comes down not only to an entrenched gender bias, but also to the quote system—i.e. how a star’s initial salary is calculated in the first place. And often that quote is only the beginning of what determines how much an actor makes on a given movie.

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Why do celebrities get paid so much money?

If there’s a system which relies upon a rare talent, rare resource, for that system to work, then most of the money in that system will end up in the hands of those who own that talent or resource. Which is why celebrities earn so much money: they’re the people who own the rare talent upon which the entertainment industry relies.

Do awards and prestige equal a raise for actors?

Prestige and awards don’t necessarily equal a raise for actors. No matter how high it is, a quote is a number that an actor’s representation is constantly trying to jack up—a never-ending cache of money and extras to be forever bested.

Do actors and other celebrities deserve their millions?

We’re not saying that the top athletes, actors and performers don’t deserve their multi-million-dollar pay cheques — most are incredibly talented and diligent. But let’s not forget that childcare workers, teachers, nurses — and plenty of other workers — also bring skills and strong work ethics to their respective fields.