
Do you start with a capital letter after an exclamation mark?

Do you start with a capital letter after an exclamation mark?

The word after a question mark (or exclamation point) is capitalized if it starts a new sentence. If the next word does not start a new sentence, because the question mark is part of a quotation, a title, an interruption, etc., then it is not capitalized.

Does every sentence begin with a capital letter?

Beginning of a sentence: A sentence always starts with capitalization. The beginning of the sentence has been done with a word that starts with a capital letter. For example: My brother enjoys playing football.

Can the word and start with a capital letter?

In general, you should capitalize the first word, all nouns, all verbs (even short ones, like is), all adjectives, and all proper nouns. That means you should lowercase articles, conjunctions, and prepositions—however, some style guides say to capitalize conjunctions and prepositions that are longer than five letters.

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Can you start a sentence with a capital A?

The first letter at the start of a sentence should be capitalized. It just so happens that the first letter of the word a is a.

How do you use capital letters in a sentence?

English Capitalization Rules:

  1. Capitalize the First Word of a Sentence.
  2. Capitalize Names and Other Proper Nouns.
  3. Don’t Capitalize After a Colon (Usually)
  4. Capitalize the First Word of a Quote (Sometimes)
  5. Capitalize Days, Months, and Holidays, But Not Seasons.
  6. Capitalize Most Words in Titles.

What do exclamation sentences start with?

The definition of an “exclamation sentence” being applied is that it must start with either “how” or “what” and, to be a full sentence, must include a verb. So, an exclamation such as “How amazing!” would not count. It would need the addition of a verb (e.g. “How amazing it was!”) to qualify.

Do you put a capital letter at the start of a sentence?

The Quick Answer Use a capital letter at the start of a sentence. (This includes sentences within quotation marks.) The words following a colon do not usually start with a capital letter, unless the introduction is short and the words after the colon are the main idea and a complete sentence.

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Do the words following a colon start with a capital letter?

(This includes sentences within quotation marks.) The words following a colon do not usually start with a capital letter, unless the introduction is short and the words after the colon are the main idea and a complete sentence.

Do you put capital letters after dashes and semicolons?

Capital Letters after Colons, Dashes, or Semicolons When a sentence is divided by a dash, a semicolon, or a colon, you will often have two “sentences” either side of it. In fact, these are not two sentences but two independent clauses. Only the first one (i.e., the one that starts the sentence) gets a capital letter.

Do you capitalize the last word in a title?

The last word of these titles always receives a capital too. If the sentence is a quotation within a larger sentence, capitalize it, but only if it’s a complete sentence. If it’s merely a phrase that fits neatly into the larger sentence, it doesn’t require capitalization.

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