
Do you say greener or more green?

Do you say greener or more green?

AdjectiveEdit The comparative form of green; more green.

Is more rich correct?

Grammatically, they are both “correct”, being alternative versions of the comparative of te adjective “rich”. However, “more rich” is seldom used. rich, richer, richest.

What is the superlative of green?

green ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

adjective green
comparative greener
superlative greenest

What is the comparative and superlative of green?

The comparative degree of green is green + -er , i.e., greener. In option b, the superlative degree has been replaced with the correct comparative degree and the meaning of the sentence remains the same.

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What are synonyms for greener?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for greener, like: paler, fresher, rawer, younger, wanner, sappier, lusher, riper, older, maturer and yellower.

Is it richer or more rich?

Comparative form of rich: more rich.

Is it more friendly or friendlier?

‘Friendly’ is an adjective. You can use ‘friendlier’ and ‘friendliest’ as well as ‘more/most friendly’. I’m an American native speaker and also an ESL teacher. You hear both forms because both forms are correct.

What is the proper way to write and or?

In writing either and or or is usually adequate. If a greater distinction is needed, another phrasing is available : X or Y, or both. It is more common in technical,business,and legal writing. There is no correct way; it depends on what style guide you are using.

Is Greenest a real word?

Superlative form of green: most green.

What is comparative and superlative degree of green?

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What is the difference between formal and informal English?

Formal & Informal English. Formal English: We use it when writing essays for school, cover letters to apply for jobs, or emails and letters at work. Informal English: We use it with friends, children, and relatives. The following list will help you to recognize the informal and formal ways of saying the same thing.

Is grammar more difficult than you think?

However, this is very far from the truth. The fact of the matter is that for most people grammar is much more complicated and difficult than they remember, and it can have a huge effect on the quality of their writing and how well it is received by the reader.

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Our grammar checker online is proven as the best one for all through serving for a long period with results as quality outputs. It is always easy to use our checker online that is successfully credited with the best features in it. We arranged this grammar checker with an interface that is easy to understand and easy to use too.

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What are the rules for building a grammatically correct sentence?

5 Rules for Building a Grammatically Correct Sentence The sentence must contain a subject and a verb, otherwise, it will be considered a sentence fragment, not a complete… Two complete sentences cannot be joined without proper punctuation. Such a mistake is called a run-on sentence. Even if… The