Do you salute high ranking civilians?

Do you salute high ranking civilians?

salute to all officers and warrant officers of the U.S. Armed Forces, officers of friendly armed forces and authorized civilians of selected state and federal governmental positions. Officers should salute other officers and authorized civilians of higher rank.

Does the lower rank salute first?

The salute (hand or head) must be performed first by the lower ranking personnel to the higher ranking personnel, and higher official is expected to return the salute, under all conditions except: Personnel who are driving vehicles.

Do generals salute higher generals?

Among the very exclusive club of U.S. military generals, brigadier generals have to salute major generals and above, and major generals must salute lieutenant generals and up, but lieutenant generals only salute four-star generals — who only have to salute presidents. Needless to say, those stars are hard to come by.

Do enlisted salute higher ranking enlisted?

The modern day salute is a version of that movement. Enlisted salute officers. Officers of lower rank salute officers of higher rank. An officer will never salute an enlisted person first.

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Do enlisted military personnel have to salute among themselves?

Enlisted members are not required to salute among themselves. This applies both on and off military installations. The junior member should always begin a salute in time to allow the senior officer to return it. If the superior officer has his hands full or is otherwise unable to return the salute physically, he can nod or acknowledge it verbally.

Who salutes when a senior officer approaches a group?

Normally the person in charge salutes on behalf of the whole formation. If a senior officer approaches a group, not in formation, the first person who notices the officer calls the rest of the group to attention. Then, all face the officer and salute.

What are the rules for saluting a police officer?

Some Exceptions to Saluting. You may salute if you recognize the officer. Do not salute empty staff vehicles or ones without an officer bumper plate or flag. If you and an officer are walking in the same direction, and you overtake the officer from the rear, you may pass the officer from behind without saluting.

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What does it mean when an officer returns a salute?

When serving personnel salute an officer, they are acknowledging Her Majesty the Queen as Head of State and saluting the rank the officer holds (the Queen’s commission) rather than the individual themselves. When an officer returns a salute, it is done so on behalf of the Queen. When did it start?