
Do you only own one handgun?

Do you only own one handgun?

The concept of only owning one handgun is tough and not everyone is open to figuring it out. I love having this conversation as an ice breaker or while I’m out with friends. Everyone typically has a different reason for picking their one handgun. It’s just something to talk more about shooting and why we love it.

Should you keep a handgun on your person when shtf?

In contrast to this, you would have to keep a rifle or a shotgun or any other long gun relatively close by and out of sight, but not on your person. This isn’t to say that a handgun is a perfect choice for a one gun SHTF firearm, but as we’ve already touched on, no gun really is.

Should you carry a handgun or rifle?

That’s right: a handgun. You see, a handgun can be carried concealed on your person at all times so that no one else knows you have it on you. And when you need to use it, you can draw it quickly. In contrast to this, you would have to keep a rifle or a shotgun or any other long gun relatively close by and out of sight, but not on your person.

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What is the best firearm for a disaster?

For example, most people would agree that a semi-automatic rifle such as an AR-15 or an AK-47 is a very viable choice for a disaster firearm.

Is a 22 rifle the only gun you should own?

If not the ONLY one gun for survival, a .22 rifle should certainly be one of the FIRST guns you add to your Prepper equipment. Now if we wanted to expand this discussion to “One Rifle and One Handgun” we just add an 8 or 10 round .22 revolver and you have a perfect pair of survival guns!

Should I buy a handgun or rifle?

For example, if the gun you are the most comfortable with is some type of hunting rifle, but yet you live in a city where you won’t be doing any big game hunting or long distance shooting, then selecting a handgun may make much more sense. In that case, you should choose whichever handgun you are the most comfortable with.

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How many guns do you need to survive a disaster?

Even though no one gun can be used for everything, it may very well be that you’ll only have one gun in the event of a major catastrophe, such as a natural disaster or an EMP attack. Needless to say, you will be wise to prepare yourself for the possibility of only having one firearm for when the grid goes down.