Tips and tricks

Do they make scalpels out of obsidian?

Do they make scalpels out of obsidian?

In Germany, the manufacturer Fine Science Tools produces obsidian scalpels that can be used in situations where the patient may have an allergy to steel or metal.

How are obsidian blades made?

Most obsidian knives are hand made by the people who find the volcanic glass themselves, and then turn it into a blade through a process called knapping – fragmenting the piece into a smaller and smaller shard until you get the desired shape.

Is obsidian sharper than a scalpel?

Good quality obsidian fractures down to single molecules which can produce a cutting edge 500 times sharper than the sharpest steel scalpel blade (“American Medical News”, Nov. 2, 1984:21). On the cellular level an obsidian knife can cut between cells rather than tear the cells as a steel knife will do.

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Is obsidian stronger than steel?

Since obsidian will fracture down to a single atom, it is claimed to have a cutting edge five hundred times sharper than the sharpest steel blade, and under a high magnification microscope an obsidian blade still appears smooth, whereas a steel blade has a saw like edge.

Can you make an obsidian blade?

The key to producing a quality obsidian knife is the quality of the stone. Obsidian knives are capable of cutting, but are mainly used as decorative artifacts. The handles are traditionally fashioned out of antlers or wood. A working knowledge of flintknapping is crucial for this craft.

Is obsidian fragile?

Obsidian is hard, brittle, and amorphous; it therefore fractures with sharp edges. In the past, it was used to manufacture cutting and piercing tools, and it has been used experimentally as surgical scalpel blades.

Can obsidian be sharpened?

Obsidian is volcanic glass and CAN be made sharper than what is possible with steel, but many mistake this fact with a myth that obsidian knives will ALWAYS be sharper than steel.

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Is obsidian hard to break?

Weapons are not made from it and it is very hard to break. In reality, obsidian is easily broken by human action and can also be worn down by the weather. While obsidian is not used to build indestructible walls or portals, it is used to make surgical tools.

How sharp is an obsidian scalpel?

Depending on the edge being analyzed, he found that the obsidian was 210 to 1050 times sharper than the steel surgical scalpel. They also examined cuts made by the different blades under the microscope and the steel scalpel actually tore the flesh and created a ragged edge, whereas the obsidian blade was much cleaner and crisper.

How good are natural obsidian blades?

Pretty good, in my book. The benefit of natural obsidian blades is that they are much more durable than even the new synthetic diamond blades. They will hold their edge much longer, and for almost every purpose, they’re more than adequate. They’re also obviously, much cheaper.

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What is obsidian used for in surgery?

Obsidian has been used in cardiac surgery, as well-crafted obsidian blades have a cutting edge many times sharper than high-quality steel surgical scalpels, with the edge of the blade being only about 3 nanometres wide.

How sharp is a diamond scalpel blade?

Modern, and very recently-developed synthetic diamond scalpel blades have a “sharpness” of 3 nanometers or better. This is achieved through plasma-polishing. This gives a blade edge of about 30 angstroms. 1 angstrom, is about one atom’s width.